The Best Dentist in Olathe Can Assist with 3 Common Adult Dental Issues and More

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Can Assist with 3 Common Adult Dental Issues and More — You are not alone if you are an adult who experiences tooth or mouth pain. Almost everyone has suffered discomfort in their teeth at some point and requires the help of best dentist in Olathe to fix their issue. Lots of people avoid the dentist due to sensitive teeth or just generalized dental fear. You could be having just a mild ache that comes and goes or a persistent deep throbbing.

Recognize that you don’t have to endure the agony you’re feeling, whatever it may be. It can frequently be resolved with the aid of Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, who many consider the best dentist in Olathe.

Since we have many clients who consider us the best dentist in Olathe, let’s look at some of the main reasons why adults have tooth discomfort.


Gnashing of Teeth

Adults who grind their teeth frequently have this issue, according to a renowned sleep dentist in Olathe. Teeth grinding mostly takes place while you’re sleeping and is frequently brought on by tension during the day. The majority of the greatest sleep dentists in Olathe will fit you with a nightguard, which serves two purposes, to alleviate your pain and grinding.

It will first stop you from biting down, which will lessen the grinding. Second, if you do grind your teeth, it prevents them from becoming worn down and reduces the force of the bite, which greatly reduces pain.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth have been reported by many people. They may react negatively to flavors that are sweet, spicy, or even frigid. Depending on the root cause and extent of the tooth damage, pain can range from minor to severe. Numerous conditions, such as the following, can lead to tooth sensitivity:

  • Missed cavities
  • Unhealthy teeth
  • The necessity to replace fillings
  • Gum illness
  • Exposed root of a tooth
  • Decayed tooth enamel

The best dentist in Olathe recommends that whatever the problem, make sure to have a professional treat it. To assist lessen some of the discomfort, you might use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. Additionally, you may ask your Olathe dentist office for advice on how to maintain excellent oral hygiene and keep future tooth sensitivity issues at bay.


Gum Illness

Gum disease has a number of stages with varying degrees of severity. The first stage of gum disease, gingivitis, is the least serious, and a dentist may be able to treat it before irreversible harm is done. If you put off visiting your nearby Olathe dentist, it can worsen to the point where serious harm will happen.

Brushing your teeth after each meal, or at least several times a day, can frequently prevent gum disease. Additionally, you can periodically visit the best dentist in Olathe so they can check for gum disease and cure it.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Visit the Best Dentist in Olathe for a Toothache that Won’t Quit

A large percentage of people have experienced a toothache at some point in their lives. This can happen if you bite down on a hard candy or a potato chip and break a portion of your tooth. No matter what the source of your toothache is, you don’t have to put up with the discomfort. Make an appointment right immediately at Waters Davidson, your neighborhood Olathe dentist office, if you are in discomfort.


Understanding the signs of a toothache is crucial. Here are a few of the most typical toothache warning signs.

  • You have varying degrees of acute or stabbing pain.
  • You observe that the gums around a tooth are inflamed.
  • You now have a temperature.
  • You have a headache that can’t be explained by anything else.
  • You have foul-tasting discharge surrounding your tooth.
  • You have persistent foul breath.
  • When you bite down to chew, it hurts.
  • What are the reasons of a toothache now that we have a basic understanding of how to recognize the symptoms?
  • You chipped a tooth, but an Olathe dentist hasn’t fixed it yet.
  • You have an internal bacterial infection in your tooth known as an abscess.
  • You have a cavity that a family dentist in Olathe has not yet filled.
  • You need to get treatment for your inflamed gums.
  • Wisdom teeth have begun to erupt and are painful.
  • You observe that teeth chewing has worn down your teeth.
  • Your jaw hurts after sleeping, and an Olathe sleep dentist may be able to help.


What Should I Do If I Have a Toothache?

The majority of toothaches do not go away on their own since they frequently signal a developing issue that requires professional care from an Olathe dentist office. However, there are a few things you may take to reduce pain before to your consultation. These include gargling with warm salt water, taking as much ibuprofen as necessary, gargling with hydrogen peroxide, and placing a cold pack on your jaw to lessen swelling.

It’s a good idea to explain everything to your dentist when you arrive for your visit at our Olathe dentist office. Inform your dentist about the location and symptoms of the pain, as well as the circumstances that led to it. Additionally, it’s typical for your dentist to take x-rays and examine other areas of your mouth for potential problem areas.


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore, they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

11 Pieces of Advice from the Best Dentist in Olathe on Dental Health and Sensitive Teeth

Best Dentist in Olathe

11 Pieces of Advice from the Best Dentist in Olathe on Dental Health and Sensitive Teeth

The best dentist in Olathe knows shares that your entire body benefits from good oral hygiene, not just your mouth. Studies have linked the benefits of flossing and good oral hygiene to heart health. Taking care of your teeth entails visiting the best family dentist in Olathe frequently while also making an effort between appointments even if you have sensitive teeth.

Here are some of our top suggestions for maintaining your dental health from a dentist office in Olathe:


Consume lots of water.

Did you know that water is crucial to the health of your teeth in addition to being a fantastic method to stay hydrated? After a meal or snack, water can help lower the number of sugars and acids on your teeth by rinsing food particles from in between your teeth.

If you are unable to clean your teeth after eating, be sure to take some water and gargle with it. Drinking water throughout the day will keep your mouth healthy and your body hydrated, says the best dentist in Olathe.


Consume fiber-rich vegetables and fruit.

Fruits that are fibrous and crunchy are far healthier to eat than crackers or other bread-like treats. These kinds of foods are excellent for eliminating tartar and plaque from your teeth and breaking them up. As a result, these nutritious foods will not only fuel your body with important vitamins and nutrients, but they will also be good for your teeth.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

Helpful tips on brushing.

At least twice daily brushing is the bare minimum advised. Most people typically only clean their teeth once a day. However, this is insufficient to maintain the health of your teeth. Your teeth are working hard all day to digest the food you eat so you can chew it.

To ensure that every food particle is eliminated from the surface of the teeth, brushing before bed is crucial. This will lessen the possibility of cavities forming and the risk of teeth decay.


Other simple guidance on brushing from the dentist office in Olathe includes:

  • Brush your teeth before bed
  • Cleanse your tongue
  • Gently brush in a circular motion
  • Use fluoride toothpaste


Remember to floss.

The most crucial yet sometimes neglected aspect of oral hygiene is flossing. The majority of dental professionals and your family dentist in Olathe advise flossing at least once each day. You consume throughout the day, which causes food particles to become lodged and remain in-between your teeth.

Cavities can soon develop as a result of this rapid erosion of your teeth’s protective enamel. Additionally, flossing maintains healthy gums and guards against gingivitis, gingival irritation, and plaque buildup.


The best dentist in Olathe suggests using mouthwash to rinse your mouth out.

Because mouthwash can more efficiently reach those difficult-to-reach areas of your teeth than brushing, it is great for oral health. Mouthwash lowers the amount of bacteria in your mouth and prevents plaque from building up on your teeth and gums.

If you don’t have access to your toothbrush during the day, mouthwash is a great substitute. It also gives you longer-lasting breath freshening that might last the entire day.

It is not unusual for someone to feel that they have a sensitive tooth. If you have one, you are aware of how uncomfortable it may be to live with.

Making routine visits to an Olathe dentist office is always a wise decision because it might be difficult to know what to do to find comfort. The best dentist in Olathe will provide fantastic treatments to help reduce your problems.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Do you have sensitive teeth?

Visit a dentist office in Olathe for Help!


Our dentist office in Olathe knows some of the greatest methods for soothing painful teeth. These include:


Alternate Your Toothpaste

It’s a good idea to switch to a sensitive-tooth toothpaste as soon as you can if you’re currently using one. The enamel that shields your teeth is breaking down, which is the main cause of dental sensitivity. Use toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth to fill in those erosion-prone spots and lessen sensitivity-related discomfort.


Choose the Correct Toothbrush

To quiet your sensitive teeth, choose the best toothbrush for the task. The harder the bristles are on the surface of your tooth, the more likely it is to cause harm or agitation to a tooth that is already sensitive. A soft-bristled toothbrush is the ideal toothbrush for sensitive teeth; the best dentist in Olathe may recommend the best toothbrushes for you.


Be Wary of the Foods You Consume

Certain foods worsen dental sensitivity than others. Acid-rich foods are frequently consumed, and some examples include fermented foods, citrus fruits, soft drinks, and coffee. Your pain symptoms can be considerably reduced by consuming these items less frequently.

The best dentist in Olathe recommends monitoring the hot and cold foods you consume during the day is also a good idea. For instance, if the cold affects your teeth, a reputable family dentist in Olathe advises drinking tap water instead. If hot meals make your teeth sensitive, consider having a sandwich for lunch rather than soup. Your overall pain during the day can be significantly impacted by making these modest changes.


Swish and Gargle Salt Water

Mix salt and water thoroughly to create a solution. To balance the acidity in your mouth, swish this mixture around your mouth and in between your teeth a few times each day. For most patients, this also lessens pain and bacteria.


Consider Fluoride Treatments at Your Olathe Dentist Office

If your dentist advises trying a fluoride treatment, it could be a terrific way to lessen tooth sensitivity and pain. The pain-causing gaps or exposures on the teeth can be filled with fluoride, as has been demonstrated time and time again.


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore, they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.




The Best Dentist in Olathe Asks, Are Your Gums Trying to Tell You Something? How to Spot and Treat Gum Disease

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Asks, Are Your Gums Trying to Tell You Something? How to Spot and Treat Gum Disease

Regular teeth cleaning and maintaining our oral health is something that most of us do to keep our teeth looking bright and to avoid cavities. Yet, we often overlook the importance of gum health, which can lead to gum disease. Gum disease or periodontal disease is an infection that affects the tissues that keep our teeth in place and can often lead to severe problems like tooth loss, painful gum irritation, and in extreme cases, even bone loss in the jaw.

At Waters Davidson, the best dentist in Olathe, we believe it’s essential to identify and treat gum disease as soon as possible. Here are some helpful tips on how to spot and treat gum disease.


Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease usually starts with mild inflammation or redness, but if it’s left untreated, it can quickly progress to more severe symptoms. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should visit your Olathe dental office for an evaluation.


  • Gum Bleeding: Gum bleeding is one of the earliest signs of gum disease. It often occurs during brushing and flossing, which causes inflammation in the gums. Poor oral hygiene, plaque buildup, and the accumulation of bacteria can cause the gums to bleed. If you notice blood in your saliva when brushing or flossing, it’s important to visit the best dentist in Olathe for an evaluation to prevent gum disease from progressing.


  • Swollen or Tender Gums: Swollen and tender gums are another common symptom of gum disease. They often feel sensitive and painful to the touch. Swollen gums usually occur when bacteria buildup is severe, and the gums try to fight off the infection. If swelling persists for several days or more, it could be an indication of periodontitis or a more advanced stage of gum disease.
Best Dentist in Olathe
  • Bad Breath: Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, is a significant symptom of gum disease as bacteria in your gums produce unpleasant odors. Bad breath can be caused by many factors, including poor oral hygiene, smoking, and gum disease. It is often an early sign of gum disease and can be an embarrassing symptom. However, with proper treatment, it can be reversed.


  • Receding Gums: As gum disease progresses, your gums may begin to recede or pull away from your teeth, causing them to appear longer. The roots of your teeth become exposed, which can lead to pockets between the teeth and gum where bacteria can develop and cause more damage. Gum recession is a severe symptom of gum disease and affects a large number of adults. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent gum disease from progressing and causing more damage to the oral structures.


  • Tooth Sensitivity: Sensitive teeth can be an indication of gum disease. When the gums become inflamed or infected due to bacterial buildup, they can erode, exposing the roots and nerve endings, leading to sensitivity to hot and cold food and drink. If you notice tooth sensitivity or pain when eating or drinking something hot or cold, it’s essential to consult with the best dentist in Olathe to determine if gum disease is the underlying cause.


Remember, early diagnosis and treatment is critical to ensure better outcomes for patients. Therefore, it is essential to visit a dentist regularly to determine if there is any developing gum disease.


Causes of Gum Disease

Several factors contribute to gum disease, including poor dental hygiene, tobacco usage, hormonal changes, genetics, and chronic illnesses like diabetes. Lack of proper oral hygiene and preventative care can lead to plaque buildup, which is an amalgamation of bacteria, food particles, and saliva, and causes gum disease development. Neglecting any regular teeth cleaning can eventually lead to the progression of gum disease, which may cause complications.


Treatment Options

Early detection of gum disease is crucial as it can often be treated with good oral hygiene practices or professional dental cleaning. Suppose gum disease has progressed past its initial stage. In that case, your Olathe dental office professional may recommend a deep cleaning or scaling and root planning procedure.

In some severe cases where gum disease is particularly advanced, surgery may be necessary. Gum disease surgery procedures include regeneration, pocket reduction, and soft tissue grafts. However, there are also treatments that you can opt for at home, such as regular brushing, flossing, and a dental mouthwash regimen.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Overall, prevention is always better than cure explains the best family dentist in Olathe. Therefore, taking the necessary steps to prevent gum disease is essential to avoid complications later. This can include lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking or adjusting your diet, and maintaining proper oral hygiene to regulate bacteria and prevent plaque buildup.

In conclusion, gum disease can be an uncomfortable and painful experience. It’s crucial to follow good oral hygiene practices and visit your dentist regularly to prevent its development. Waters Davidson is the best dentist in Olathe and can provide you with the necessary treatments, guidance, and support to maintain your gum health.

Remember, don’t wait for your gums to tell you something is wrong – visit Olathe dental office for regular check-ups with the best dentist in Olathe  to minimize the risk of developing gum disease.


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!


At our Olathe dentist office, we can assist you in obtaining and maintaining the healthy, bright smile you deserve, whether you require preventative care, implants, cosmetic treatment, or a mix of therapies. Our family values, individualized patient experience, and dental expertise distinguish Waters Davidson Family Dentistry from any other dentist office in Olathe, allowing us to provide you with the finest dental treatment in Olathe and Stilwell.


New smiles are always welcome here!

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore, they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Offers 9 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Offers 9 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

A bright, white smile is a goal that many people strive for but achieving it can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several ways to whiten your teeth at home, according to dentists. Here are the top nine home teeth whitening methods recommended by dentists, with tips from the best dentist in Olathe.


  1. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are two ingredients that can help whiten your teeth naturally. To use this method, mix a small amount of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste, and then brush your teeth with it. According to the best dentist in Olathe, this method is an effective and affordable way to whiten your teeth at home.


  1. Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil (such as coconut oil) around your mouth for 15-20 minutes to remove toxins and bacteria. While there is little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of oil pulling for teeth whitening, many people swear by it. Try oil pulling each morning before brushing your teeth to see if it works for you.


  1. Use Whitening Toothpaste

The best Olathe dentist recommends using whitening toothpaste to remove surface stains on your teeth, such as those caused by coffee, tea, and smoking. Look for a toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, as these are the ingredients that actually whiten your teeth. The best dentist in Olathe recommends brushing with whitening toothpaste twice a day.

Best Dentist in Olathe
  1. Eat Crunchy Fruits & Vegetables

Crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples and carrots, can help remove surface stains from your teeth while you chew. These foods also stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and wash away harmful bacteria. According to the best dentist in Olathe, making crunchy fruits and vegetables a regular part of your diet can help whiten your teeth over time.


  1. Use At-Home Whitening Kits

At-home teeth whitening kits are an affordable way to whiten your teeth. Look for kits that contain carbamide peroxide, as this is the ingredient that dentists use to whiten teeth in their offices. Follow the instructions carefully, and don’t leave the gel on your teeth for longer than recommended to avoid sensitivity. According to the best dentist in Olathe, using a whitening kit once a week can help maintain a bright, white smile.


  1. Limit Stain-Causing Foods and Drinks

Some foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and dark chocolate, can leave stains on your teeth over time, according to the best Olathe dentist. To maintain a bright, white smile, it’s important to limit your consumption of these stain-causing items. If you do indulge, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward and brush your teeth as soon as possible.

In addition to limiting the consumption of stain-causing foods and drinks and rinsing with water, there are other habits you can adopt to help maintain a bright smile. Here are some more tips:


  • Use a straw: When drinking stain-causing beverages, try using a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.
  • Chew sugar-free gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can help increase saliva production, which naturally cleanses your teeth and helps to prevent stains.
  • Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables: Snacking on crunchy fruits and vegetables such as carrots or apples can help naturally scrub your teeth and remove surface stains.
  • Consider professional teeth whitening at the best Olathe dentist: If you’re looking for a more dramatic improvement, talk to your dentist about professional teeth whitening. The best dentist in Olathe can recommend the best treatment for your individual needs and help you achieve a brighter, more confident smile.


Remember, it’s important to maintain good dental hygiene habits as well, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can help keep your smile bright and beautiful for years to come.

Best Dentist in Olathe
  1. Use Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are thin, flexible strips that are coated with a teeth-whitening gel. Place the strips on your teeth for the recommended amount of time, usually 30 minutes to an hour, and then remove them. Whitening strips can be an effective way to whiten your teeth at home but be sure to follow the instructions carefully and avoid leaving the strips on for too long.


  1. Brush & Floss Regularly

Brushing and flossing regularly is important for maintaining good oral health, and it can also help keep your teeth white. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, for two minutes each time, and floss once a day to remove plaque and food particles that can cause stains on your teeth.


  1. Visit the Best Dentist in Olathe Regularly

Regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health and catching any issues early on. Your dentist can also provide professional teeth cleaning and whitening treatments to help remove stubborn stains from your teeth. Schedule a visit with the best dentist in Olathe at least twice a year to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.


In conclusion, there are many ways to whiten your teeth at home, including natural remedies, whitening toothpaste, at-home whitening kits, and more. Incorporating these tips, along with regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups, can help you achieve a bright, white smile that you’ll love showing off. Contact Waters Davidson, to schedule a consultation at our dentist office in Olathe and learn more about the teeth whitening options available to you.


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!

At our Olathe dentist office, we can help you obtain and maintain the healthy, bright smile you deserve. Whether you require preventative care, implants, cosmetic treatment, or a mix of therapies, we have you covered. Our family values, individualized patient experience, and dental expertise are what separate us from any other dentist office in Olathe. We provide the finest dental treatment in Olathe and Stilwell and new smiles are always welcome here!


General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS


Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, our highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

A Dentist in Olathe Provides 10 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

Best Dentist in Olathe

A Dentist in Olathe Provides 10 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

A healthy smile speaks volumes. Healthy teeth and gums are essential for our overall health and well-being. It is therefore crucial to take proper care of our teeth and gums to avoid dental problems that can lead to chronic pain and tooth loss.

Luckily, taking care of our oral health isn’t complicated. In this article, we will share top ten tips for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

The best dentist in Olathe recommends brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash to keeping acidic and sugary foods on the low. So as you can tell, there are numerous ways to maintain good dental health. This article will give you key tips and tricks to ensure your oral health is where it should be.

Further, regular visits to the best dentist in Olathe are crucial for detecting dental problems before they become severe. At Waters Davidson, you’re assured of comprehensive dental care with the latest technology, ensuring that you and your family get the best treatment.

In this article, we will share a comprehensive guide on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, including tips on how to avoid dental problems, suitable foods to eat, and lifestyle habits to adopt to keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

So read on as we delve into the top ten tips for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.


  1. Brush Twice a Day

The best dentist in Olathe says one of the most obvious ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums is to brush your teeth twice a day. Brushing helps to remove food particles and plaque that build upon teeth throughout the day. It’s essential to choose the right toothbrush that suits your teeth and gums as well as fluoride toothpaste to help protect and strengthen your teeth.


  1. Use Floss

Flossing is equally important as brushing when it comes to dental health. Flossing helps to remove the food particles that your toothbrush cannot reach. Using dental floss at least once a day can help to prevent cavities and gum disease.


  1. Use Mouthwash

The best dentist in Olathe says mouthwash is a great supplement to brushing and flossing your teeth. It helps to reduce the amount of acid in the mouth and cleans hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. It is a useful tool for killing harmful bacteria and freshening breath.

Best Olathe Dentist
  1. Chew Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum is an excellent way to promote saliva production that helps to neutralize harmful acids produced by bacteria. However, it’s important to choose gum without sugar to avoid cavities.


  1. Limit Acidic Drinks

Frequent consumption of acidic drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit juices can lead to tooth erosion that can cause sensitivity and tooth decay. It’s crucial to limit or avoid acidic drinks to maintain healthy teeth and gums.


  1. Consume Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium is an essential nutrient that helps to strengthen teeth and bones. Consuming calcium-rich foods, including milk, cheese, and yogurt, can help to keep teeth healthy and strong.


  1. Get Regular Dental Check-ups from the Best Dentist in Olathe

Regular dental check-ups with the best dentist in Olathe are crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Regular cleaning and check-ups can help to detect dental problems early before they become more severe. During dental visits, a dentist in Olathe can also offer advice and tips to keep your teeth healthy.


  1. Limit Sugary Foods

Consuming too many sugary foods can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Limiting sugary foods, including candy, chocolate, and desserts, can help to keep your teeth healthy and strong.


  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water is essential for maintaining our overall health as well as dental health. Drinking water helps to wash away food particles and harmful bacteria from the mouth, promoting saliva production that helps to clean and protect teeth.

Best Dentist in Olathe
  1. Quit Smoking

Smoking is harmful to general health as well as dental health. It can lead to bad breath, gum disease, and tooth discoloration. Quitting smoking can help to reduce the risk of dental problems while keeping teeth healthy and strong.

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a crucial part of our overall health and wellness. Poor oral health can lead to chronic inflammation, pain, and tooth loss. Following these tips for maintaining healthy teeth and gums can help reduce the risk of dental problems and support our oral health.

Brushing twice a day with the right toothbrush & toothpaste, flossing daily, and using mouthwash can help remove harmful bacteria and food particles from our mouths. Chewing sugar-free gum can promote saliva production and neutralize harmful acids. Limiting acidic and sugary drinks and foods and consuming calcium-rich foods can help keep our teeth healthy and strong. Drinking water and quitting smoking can further support our oral and overall health.

And of course, regular dental check-ups with the best dentist in Olathe are crucial for detecting dental problems early and getting professional cleaning and advice for maintaining dental health. Waters Davidson provides the best dentist in Olathe to give you and your family comprehensive dental care.

By taking simple steps like these, we can maintain healthy teeth and gums and keep our smiles bright and healthy for years to come. Remember, taking care of our teeth and gums is a crucial part of our overall health and well-being.


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!


At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!


General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS


Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore, they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

Finding the Best Dentist in Olathe in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Dentist in Olathe

Finding the Best Dentist in Olathe in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for the best dentist in Olathe, Kansas? Whether it’s a general checkup or something more specialized like sleep dentistry, it can be difficult to know where to start. We’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you find the best dentist in Olathe for your needs – so read on!


What Type of Dentist Do You Need? 😀

The first step is determining what type of dentist you need. If you’re looking for a general family dentist, there are plenty of options in Olathe. But if you’re looking for something more specialized, like a sleep dentist in Olathe, then your search may be more limited. It’s important to do your research and make sure that the dentist you choose is qualified and experienced in the type of care that you need.


Researching Your Options 🤓

Once you know what type of dentist you need, it’s time to start researching your options. The internet is a great place to start – look up reviews and ratings on sites like Yelp and Google Reviews. You can also ask friends and family members who they recommend or check out local dental associations for recommendations. Get as much information as possible about each potential dentist office in Olathe before making any decisions – this will help ensure that you find the right one for your needs.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Choosing the Best Dentist in Olathe💁

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential dentists, it’s time to make a decision. Consider factors such as:

  • location (is it close enough that it won’t be an inconvenience?)
  • cost (are their services affordable?)
  • availability (do they offer appointments at times that work with my schedule?)
  • experience (do they have experience with the type of care that I need?)

Read through all available information about each family dentist in Olathe before making your final decision – this will help ensure that the best choice is made for all involved.


Waters Davidson  Family Dentist in Olathe: The Best Choice 👍

When it comes to finding the best family dentist in Olathe, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry has got it covered! They offer a wide range of services from general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry and even specialized treatments like sleep dentistry – so no matter what kind of care you need, they have got you covered! Their friendly staff is dedicated to providing top-notch service with personal attention given to each patient – so if you want an experienced team who will take good care of both your teeth and your wallet, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry should definitely be at the top of your list!


Going Above & Beyond: Additional Services Offered by Waters Davidson, a Family Dentist in Olathe ☺️

Waters Davidson Family Dentistry does more than just provide exceptional dental care – they also offer additional services for their patients! From oral health education classes to payment plans and referrals, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry goes above and beyond when it comes to helping their patients get the most out of their visit! So don’t settle for second best – head over to a dentist office in Olathe today and take advantage of their expertise now!


And Don’t Forget To Practice Good Oral Hygiene At Home 🏠

No matter which Olathe dentist office or practice you decide on – whether it’s Waters Davidson Family Dentistry or someplace else – it’s always important to practice good oral hygiene at home too! Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes each time.

Floss at least once per day; use mouthwash after brushing; eat healthy foods; avoid smoking; limit sugary drinks; get regular checkups with either the best dentist in Olathe or Sleep Dentistry – these tips will go a long way towards helping to keep those pearly whites sparkling clean year round!

Best Dentist in Olathe

Sleep Dentist in Olathe For Comfortable Treatments

It can be hard to find a good sleep dentist in Olathe who offers comprehensive treatments while keeping comfort as a top priority. Luckily, the best Olathe dentist has you covered!

The ultimate goal is to provide an innovative approach to sleep dentistry that ensures patients get quality care without having to worry about any discomfort associated with certain procedures. The best dentist in Olathe takes great care in providing safe anesthesia to ensure maximum relaxation during treatment—making even the most complex treatments as comfortable as possible for patients.


High Quality Dental Care at an Affordable Price

At the best Olathe family dentist, we believe that quality dental care should be available for everyone at an affordable price—which is why we accept most major insurance plans along with several payment options tailored specifically for our customers’ needs. Furthermore, if you cannot afford regular checkups or complex treatments by yourself, ask us about special discounts offered through our practice!


Compassionate & Knowledgeable Staff Makes Every Visit Count

Our Olathe dentist office takes pride in providing each patient with utmost attention and compassion throughout their entire appointment—from start to finish. We strive to be the best dentist in Olathe by not only treating your teeth but also making sure you understand the entire process while feeling relaxed and secure throughout your visit. With years of experience across various fields of dental work, our highly qualified staff are always ready to provide exceptional care tailored specifically towards each person’s needs — no matter what it may be!


Whether you’re seeking general checkups or something more specialized like sleep dentistry in Olathe, the best family dentist in Olathe offers the best dental care around! With a convenient location in Olathe and top-notch customer service, we are sure to meet all your needs when it comes time to select a new family dentist in Olathe or the best sleep dentist in Olathe. So, don’t settle for second best! Head over to Waters Davidson Family Dentistry today and take advantage of their expertise now!

Waters Davidson Family Dentistry proudly stands as the top dental practice in Olathe, Kansas, earning accolades for our commitment to exceptional oral healthcare and patient satisfaction. Our reputation as the best dentist in 66062 and the top dental provider in Olathe, KS, is a testament to our dedication to delivering unparalleled dental services tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

With glowing Davidson Family Dental reviews highlighting our expertise and compassionate care, we strive to be the top choice for dental care in the area. Whether you’re searching for the best dentist in KS or seeking the top 66061 dentist, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry is your trusted partner for comprehensive dental solutions in Olathe, Kansas. Visit us today and experience the difference of personalized, top-tier dental care that prioritizes your oral health and well-being.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore, they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Provides Info About Our Teeth Health While We Sleep

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Provides Info About Our Teeth Health While We Sleep

We spend around one-third of our lives in bed sleeping. While we are asleep, our bodies are hard at work mending themselves, purging themselves, and getting ready for the following day.

However, many people wake up with a feeling of dry mouth in the morning. When we first wake up, our tongue and throat both have a parched and dry feeling.

It is common for people, especially those over the age of 65, to suffer from dry mouth. The amount of saliva that we produce might decrease by as much as forty percent as we become older. The result is more than simply annoying, frustrating, and aggravating in its own right. The state of our dental health and overall wellbeing may be significantly influenced by a dry mouth according to the best dentist in Olathe.

Saliva is necessary for us because it neutralizes the acidic byproducts that bacteria that cause tooth decay produce. The first enzymes that are necessary for digestion may be found in the saliva. Bottom line? A dry mouth is more than just an irritation to have. It is possible for it to have an effect on the whole human body.

There are two significant elements that contribute to this situation, according to the best sleep dentist in Olathe.

Best Dentist in Olathe

The best dentist in Olathe explains xerostomia more in-depth.

The first condition is called xerostomia, and it’s a medical ailment that causes dry mouth. This happens when there is not enough saliva in our mouths. It is more difficult to chew, taste, and swallow food when saliva is present. Even talking might become difficult for the individual. Anyone who has ever given a speech in public while suffering from dry mouth will speak to the difficulties of the situation.

Dry mouth can be caused when saliva production is insufficient from the salivary glands in our mouth according to a dentist in Olathe. Sometimes, this is a sign that our body is dehydrated and does not have enough of the necessary fluid to produce saliva. If this is the case, maintaining a healthy level of hydration could be helpful.

If you use mouthwash before going to bed, you should steer clear of varieties that include alcohol. Alcoholic mouthwashes often have a drying effect on the oral tissues they come in contact with.

Dry mouth can be caused by a number of factors, including some medications, radiation therapy, smoking, and even illnesses such as diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.


The best dentist in Olathe explains the repercussions of breathing through your mouth.

When you wake up with a dry, scratchy throat, it’s likely because you breathed through your mouth instead of your nose while you were sleeping. It is normal for our mouth to fall open during sleep, which enables us to breathe via our mouths instead of our noses.

It is possible that nasal congestion, illness, or anatomical difficulties are the root cause of mouth breathing. If there is a blockage in your nasal passages, your body will automatically turn to the mouth as the sole remaining oxygen-supplying channel.

Mouth breathing can be caused by a number of medical conditions according to the best sleep dentist in Olathe, including a deviated septum, swollen adenoids, or tonsils.

People who suffer from sleep apnea often develop the habit of sleeping with their mouths slightly open. Mouth breathing has been linked to a reduction in the amount of oxygen carried by the blood, an increase in the risk of developing high blood pressure and heart failure, and an increase in the prevalence of periodontal disease.


The best dentist in Olathe discusses making use of these remedies for dry mouth.

If you sleep with your mouth open and breathe through your mouth according to a dentist in Olathe, you may find the following two tips helpful.

Sticking these self-adhesive strips on your nose is how you use nasal strips. Nasal strips are elastic bands that have the springiness of a coil and are placed right above the flare of the nostrils. They work by slowly expanding the airways, which results in better breathing.

It is possible that purchasing a roll of surgical tape from your neighborhood drugstore is all that is required to enjoy a more restful night’s sleep, along with the related health benefits, according to a sleep dentist in Olathe. Just before you go to bed for the night, dab a little bit of this on your lips. In the event of an emergency, you can make it easier to remove the item by folding back a little flap on one or both sides.

If you suffer from dry mouth, you should see the best dentist in Olathe and take action to treat this common yet serious health concern. It has an impact not only on your teeth and gums but also on the quality of your sleep as well as your overall health and fitness.


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!


At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

How to Find the Best Dentist in Olathe in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Dentist in Olathe

How to Find the Best Dentist in Olathe in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you searching for the best dentist in Olathe, but don’t know where to start? With so many options available, it can be difficult to choose the right one for you. The good news is that there are a few key factors to consider that can help you find the best dentist in Olathe for your needs. Here’s a few pointers from our team at Waters Davidson in Olathe.

Ask for Recommendations

One of the best ways to find the best Olathe dentist is to ask for recommendations from family, friends, and colleagues who have had positive experiences with their dental care providers.

In addition, you can also check online reviews and ratings on sites like Google and Yelp to get an idea of what other patients have to say about who is the best Olathe dentist. Pay attention to comments regarding the dentist’s professionalism, the cleanliness of the office, and the quality of care provided.

  • Ask for recommendations from people you trust, such as family, friends, and colleagues. Remember to take into consideration if their dental needs are similar to yours, as this can impact their opinion on the dentist’s suitability.
  • You can also ask your general physician, local pharmacist, or anyone else involved in healthcare for their recommendations for the best family dentist in Olathe. These professionals often have insights into reputable providers.
  • If you are new in town, check with your previous dentist for their recommendation or find out if they can connect you with a dentist who is a member of the same professional organization as them. This can ensure continuity of care.
  • Ask your dental insurance provider to recommend the best dentist in Olathe who accepts your insurance or is part of their network. That will help you save a lot of money and hassle associated with out-of-network charges.
  • Join social media groups or forums in Olathe and ask fellow residents for their recommendations for a dentist in the area. Online community groups can be a great resource for honest feedback.

Look for a Convenient Olathe Dental Office

When choosing a dentist, it’s important to consider the location of their office. Look for a best dentist in Olathe that has a convenient location that’s easy for you to get to. This can make it easier to schedule appointments and ensure that you don’t miss any important dental checkups.

  • Find the best Olathe dentist that is situated near your home, workplace, or along your daily commute route, so that it is easy to schedule and keep your appointments. This proximity can significantly reduce travel time and increase the likelihood of regularly attending appointments.
  • Check whether the dentist has multiple office locations, and which one would be more convenient for you to visit. Having options can be beneficial if one location is booked or temporarily closed.
  • If you are staying in a nearby hotel, ask your hotel concierge for recommendations of a dentist in Olathe. They often have a list of trusted local professionals.
  • Find out if the best family dentist in Olathe provides weekend appointments or late evening appointments if that better suits your schedule, especially if you have a busy work week.
  • Look for a dentist with great accessibility and ample parking, especially if you have mobility challenges or a young family. Consider whether the office is easily accessible by public transportation if needed.
Best Dentist in Olathe

Check for Credentials and Experience

When researching  the best Olathe family dentist, it’s important to check their credentials and experience. Look for a dentist who is licensed and has the necessary training and qualifications to provide high-quality dental care.

You may also want to consider a dentist in Olathe with a special focus or expertise, such as a cosmetic dentist or orthodontist, if you have specific dental needs.

  • Check if the dentist is licensed to practice dentistry in Olathe, and find out where they completed their education and training.
  • Look for any certifications, awards, and accolades earned by the dentist, as it will give you an idea of their area of expertise.
  • Research the quality of service offered by the dentist and how long they have been practicing dentistry at their dentist office in Olathe.
  • Check with your local dentistry board to find out if the dentist has any disciplinary actions against them.
  • Ensure that the dentist has experience in providing the type of dental services you need such as preventing, diagnosing, and treating oral diseases & conditions.


Consider the Services Offered

Different dentists in Olathe may offer different services, so it’s important to find one that can meet your individual needs. Look for a dentist who offers a wide range of services, from routine cleanings & fillings to more complex procedures like dental implants & root canals.

  • Check if the services offered by the best dentist in Olathe are what you need, such as orthodontics, teeth whitening, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and sedation dentistry.
  • Find out if the dentist provides emergency dental services and if they are available 24/7, as it is helpful if you require urgent care.
  • Check if the dentist offers preventative services such as routine cleanings, checkups and fluoride treatments, to ensure that you maintain good oral health.
  • Find out if the best dentist in Olathe uses the latest and most up-to-date technology, procedures, and materials.
  • Consider the age of your family members and whether the dentist can provide specialized care for children or the elderly.


Choose a Dentist Who Values Patient Care

Lastly, it’s important to choose the best Olathe dentist who values patient care. Look for a dentist who takes the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions, and who prioritizes your comfort and well-being during dental procedures.

Best Olathe Dentist

One dentist in Olathe that meets all of these criteria is Waters Davidson. With a convenient location, experienced dentists, and a commitment to high-quality patient care, Waters Davidson is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a dentist in Olathe.


  • Pick a dentist office in Olathe who has a welcoming and friendly office environment which makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Consider if the staff is eager to help you with the whole dental process.
  • Look for the best Olathe dentist that takes their time to understand your dental needs, preferences, and is willing to answer your questions.
  • Check if the dentist offers sedation dentistry that can minimize anxiety or fear during dental procedures by being the best sleep dentist in Olathe.
  • Choose a dentist who follows you after a dental procedure, especially if it was a complicated one.
  • Evaluate the overall attitude of the staff at the Olathe dentist office and the dentist in order to ensure that they prioritize your comfort, and you have the best dental experience.


In conclusion, finding the best dentist in Olathe is all about taking the time to research and consider your options. By following these tips and considering factors like location, credentials, and patient care, you can find the perfect dentist in Olathe to meet your dental needs.



A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are the best Olathe dentist around. Getting regular dental care will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dental office in Olathe has been trusted by Olathe residents for years.

Using cutting-edge technology and having a staff who cares about our patients has allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and customer service. We even have services associated with sleep disorders and are known by many as the best sleep dentist in Olathe.

See why our patients never want to go anywhere else! Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Do You Have Dental Anxiety? A Dentist in Olathe Understands Your Concerns

Best Dentist in Olathe

Do You Have Dental Anxiety? A Dentist in Olathe Understands Your Concerns

Do you have anxiety when visiting the dentist? You are not alone  You have been putting off visiting the dentist. Although dental anxiety is common, we are here to relieve your fears. Individuals commonly suffer anxiety before to, on the day of, and even during their dental appointment. The best dentist in Olathe is here to assure your anxieties and assure you that we will do everything possible to ensure you have a pleasant visit.

Due to their paralyzing fear, many individuals who are scared of seeing a dentist in Olathe and have avoided doing so for years. This reinforces your negative feelings and promotes your belief that the encounter will be negative. These are some common reasons of this phobia:

  • The fear of the unknown. You are unsure of the operations the dentist in Olathe will need to do and their execution.
  • Worry about suffering obviously, none of us would enjoy this!
  • Lack of control When seated in the dentist’s chair, it is difficult to observe what is happening.
  • Previous experience These painful recollections may remain with us for a very long time.
  • Being that near and intimate with a dentist makes many individuals feel really uneasy.
  • During your appointment with a dentist in Olathe, we provide a variety of tips to assist you overcome your fear and remain composed and composed.
  • Be forceful in communicating your requirements. Indicate if you desire a comprehensive explanation of the procedure prior to your visit. Request a tour of the facility before your scheduled appointment.
  • Bring to your appointment a friend or family member who will make you feel at ease.
  • If you raise your hand during the meeting, it indicates that you need a break. This is an example of a “stop sign” that you and the best dentist in Olathe may address. We want you to have the option to pause if required, as this is your first visit.
Best Dentist in Olathe

Need a family dentist in Olathe?

Look no further than Waters Davidson!


  • Choose a morning appointment so you won’t have all day to contemplate it.
  • Remind yourself that these are ordinary feelings. Visiting the dentist induces anxiety in many people.
  • Utilize some effective relaxation techniques. Imagine if your entire vacation was a tremendous success from start to finish. As soon as you get apprehensive, maintain deep breathing until you are seated on the best dentist in Olathe’s chair.
  • Consider meeting with a psychologist to discuss and work through your worries.

Remember that dentistry has made enormous strides in the past decade and that your comfort is our first focus. According to research, people who expected suffering pain or discomfort at the dentist actually had significantly less pain or discomfort than they anticipated, according to a dentist in Olathe. We want you to have a comparable experience!


Choose Waters Davidson as YOUR OLATHE DENTIST!


Our Olathe dentist office can assist you in obtaining and maintaining the healthy, bright smile you deserve. We are here to help, whether you require preventative care, implants, cosmetic treatment, or a mix of therapies. Our family values, individualized patient experience, and dental expertise distinguish Waters Davidson Family Dentistry from any other dentist office in Olathe, allowing us to provide you with the finest dental treatment in Olathe and Stilwell. New smiles are always welcome here!

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

Your comfort and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Drs. Waters and Davidson; therefore, they have created an office environment that is designed to put patients at ease. Because we think of each patient as an indispensable member of our extended family, the highly skilled staff here will make every effort to schedule your visits at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

5 Ways That a Dentist in Olathe Prepares Your Child for Braces

Dentist in Olathe

5 Ways That a Dentist in Olathe Prepares Your Child for Braces

Do your children love their dentist in Olathe? If your child goes to our family dentist in Olathe, it is likely that they enjoy their regular visits. Although regular dental visits for checkups and cleanings are a good thing, it is normal for a child to get a little uneasy before their visit.

Have you been thinking about braces for your child? Well, if regular visits to a family dentist in Olathe weren’t stressful enough for your child, those feelings of anxiety might go to another level if it’s determined that they need braces. However, as a parent, there are some things you can do to help keep your child calm during this time.

Our team at Waters Davidson has compiled a list of the best way to handle the news that your child needs braces.


A Dentist in Olathe Will Discuss Treatment Options

Be open with your child when it comes to their upcoming visit to the orthodontist. Consider all the options, whether it’s invisible braces or traditional metal braces. Let them know that invisible braces may be more appealing, but financially, metal braces may make more sense.


A Dentist in Olathe Will Inform You on What to Expect

As a leading Olathe dentist, Waters Davidson knows that one of the biggest concerns children have with braces is the pain that they might cause. It might be easy to say, “they don’t hurt at all,” just to keep your child calm. You don’t want to give your child false information, so let them know that there will likely be some discomfort for a few days after each adjustment.


A Dentist in Olathe Will Recommend Soft Foods

As your child is getting used to braces, they may only want to eat soft foods for the first few days. A leading Olathe dentist recommends items like ice cream, yogurt, Jell-O, pudding, and soup to help keep your child’s discomfort to a minimum.

Dentist in Olathe

A Dentist in Olathe Will Tell You About Wax

It is common for braces to irritate the inside of a child’s mouth, especially in the first few days.  Orthodontic wax can make a child’s braces much more comfortable. It is applied to the part of the bracket that makes your child’s mouth the most uncomfortable. Ask your Olathe dentist or orthodontist to provide wax if they have not offered it to you.


A Dentist in Olathe Will Discuss The Benefits

As a leading Olathe dentist, Waters Davidson knows the long-term benefits of using braces. Be sure to reinforce to your child that they will be glad they had braces at a young age so that they can have straighter, healthier teeth for the rest of their life.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!