The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Flossing

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Flossing

Do you floss? Or do you say you do, and then not really do it? The best dentist in Olathe recommends daily flossing for your children and your family. We all know how important it is to teach our children how to brush their teeth properly at a young age. But what does the best Olathe family dentist recommend when it comes to flossing?

The best Olathe family dentist, Waters Davidson knows that flossing daily is a critical part of proper dental hygiene, so it is critical to emphasize this with your child. This article will cover the basics of flossing and how you can incorporate it into your child’s daily routine.

Best Olathe Family Dentist

The Best Dentist in Olathe Discusses the Importance of Flossing

The ultimate goal of brushing your teeth is to remove as much plaque as possible. The best Olathe family dentist, Waters Davidson knows that brushing cannot remove all plaque that builds up on your child’s teeth.  Flossing will help remove any remaining plaque that a toothbrush is unable to reach.

The most troublesome areas for plaque buildup for children are between the teeth and under the gums.  Not only can flossing remove plaque between teeth and in the gums, but it can also assist with the following:


  • Removes debris or small pieces of food that are stuck between the teeth and under the gums
  • Helps polish the tooth’s surface
  • By removing bacteria, plaque, and small food particles, flossing can prevent bad breath


The best dentist in Olathe recommends flossing at least once a day. Each flossing session should be 2-3 minutes to be most effective.

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Discusses Different Types of Dental Floss

Combined with regular brushing, consistent flossing is the most effective way to avoid plaque buildup.  There are multiple types of floss available, which include:

  • Flavored or Unflavored
  • Smooth or Textured
  • Waxed or Unwaxed

Be sure to talk to the best Olathe family dentist, to determine what type of floss would be best for your child.


The Best Dentist in Olathe Discusses Flossing Methods

Learning to floss might be a challenge at first for your child. According to the best dentist in Olathe, children may need help with proper flossing until they are 8 to 10 years old. There are different flossing techniques you can use to help your child feel more comfortable, like:

  • Loop Method – wrap each end of floss around all fingers on each hand (except the thumb)
  • Spool Method – wrap each floss end around one finger on each hand
  • Pre-Threaded Flosser – great for kids first learning to floss and are disposable after they are done


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

A Family Dentist in Olathe: 4 Ways to Stop Terrible Dental Stress

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Family Dentist in Olathe: 4 Ways to Stop Dental Stress

The best dentists in Olathe know that stress affects everyone, especially when they are coming to the dentist. No one at this Olathe dentist office wants their patients to be nervous before a visit, but sometimes it can be challenging to keep someone calm.

Stress can affect the whole body, and children are no different than adults when it comes to the body feeling it. The mouth can take the brunt of stress as well in many ways. In this article, we will look at how stress can damage the health of your child’s mouth and ways that an Olathe family dentist can help.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Warns About Grinding Teeth

Teeth grinding is very common in adults and children. You will notice grinding, mainly when your child is sleeping. There are some warning signs that you can look for to help you identify if your child is grinding, including:

  • Grinding sounds when they are sleeping
  • Pain when they are chewing
  • Jaw soreness after waking up; stiffness, pain, or even a bruised feeling
  • You might notice certain teeth appear to be worn down or chipped

If you notice your child grinding their teeth, talk to your Olathe family dentist right away because there are ways to protect your child’s teeth. They could try sleeping with a bite guard, or if your child is dealing with stress, a counselor might be able to help them cope with whatever is bothering them.

Family Dentist in Olathe


A Family Dentist in Olathe Recommends Dietary Changes

Believe it or not, dietary changes can make a big difference in the health of your child’s teeth. In times of stress it is common for people, including children, to gravitate toward sugary and fried foods. Foods that are high in sugar are awful for your teeth. If you notice your child eating more sugar than suggested, try setting out healthier snacks, like fruits and vegetables.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Knows That Brushing Time Decreases

When your child is stressed, it is common for brushing and flossing to get pushed to the back burner. Even for a short time, if your child doesn’t brush or floss, this can be enough to erode the protective coating of their teeth and create cavities.

If it is becoming a struggle to get your child to brush, make sure to visit your dentist office in Olathe right away. They can help inspire your child to stay on top of their brushing routine and add a protective coating to protect their teeth in the future.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Knows About Mouth Sores

Canker sores and cold sores are very common when times of stress arise. This is because stress causes the body and the immune system to not function properly. This can decrease the body’s ability to heal and fight off viruses that cause these sores. If you notice your child has sores in their mouth, which are usually painful, call your Olathe dentist office right away to find the right treatment plan.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

An Olathe Family Dentist Wants to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Olathe Family Dentist

An Olathe Family Dentist Wants to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Kids play rough. Even the best dentist in Olathe knows that it is hard to watch them all the time. Accidents happen but our Olathe dentist office is ready for anything. Your child’s tooth development and care directly affect their adult teeth. It’s essential as a parent or caregiver to recognize this and know ways that you can help keep their mouth safe and healthy throughout their childhood.

At the best Olathe dentist, we know preventative care is enormous when it comes to protecting your child’s teeth. In this article, we will discuss the top ways to prevent tooth damage, according to the best Olathe family dentist.


An Olathe Family Dentist Knows Accidents Happen, Especially with Kids 

Children are known to have many falls and trips as they learn to walk, run, and play. Tripping on a toy hitting their head on a coffee table is a prevalent thing parents face. As children get older and into sports, they can easily collide with another player or get hit with a ball causing trauma to the mouth or teeth.

It’s rare for a child to get all the way through childhood without some kind of accident involving the mouth. This is why having the best family dentist in Olathe is so important. You can develop a good rapport with your Olathe dentist office in the event that you need them for emergency dental care.

If your child plays sports or is active, consider having them wear a mouth guard, even when it’s not required. This is a great way to prevent emergencies and protect their teeth if they get hit in the jaw, mouth, or head. If they get used to wearing it, it can be a part of their routine when playing any sport.

Olathe Family Dentist

An Olathe Family Dentist Says, Be Careful When Eating Hard Foods

It’s no secret that kids love various candies, popcorn, ice, and other hard foods. When eaten, these foods can cause a tooth to crack. This is because teeth were not designed to handle such crunchy foods regularly.

Instead of these kinds of foods, consider a safer option such as a piece of fruit or a smoothie to give your child the feel of a treat. It is a great alternative that provides nutrition and is a safer option for their teeth, according to a family dentist in Olathe.


An Olathe Family Dentist Says Refrain from Using Teeth as a Tool! 

Many kids and adults alike treat their teeth as a tool. Teeth are often used for pulling tags off items, opening containers, and many others are common things people might use their teeth to do.

Teeth are not designed for this kind of task and can easily chip or crack when trying to do so. If you find your child has a crack, make sure and reach out to your Olathe dentist office right away for emergency repair.


An Olathe Family Dentist Knows Teeth Grinding is Very Common in Children

This can be due to stress, anxiety, or any other kind of tension. Children don’t often have the words to describe their stress, and this is one of the many ways it plays out in their bodies. Unfortunately, it can result in a cracked tooth and the need for an emergency visit to the best Olathe dentist.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

An Experienced Family Dentist in Olathe Provides 5 Pieces of Advice for Cavity Prevention

Family Dentist in Olathe

An Experienced Family Dentist in Olathe Provides 5 Pieces of Advice for Cavity Prevention — No one likes visiting the Olathe dentist office if they have a cavity. In fact, lots of people fear the dentist because of that very thing. The best way to avoid cavities is prevention.

The best family dentist in Olathe, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, has seen how critical it is to teach children good dental hygiene. Instilling a daily routine of brushing at least twice and flossing at least once will lay the groundwork to keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy throughout their lives.

One of the main reasons best family dentist in Olathe emphasizes daily brushing is to avoid cavities.  This article will highlight some other tips that will help keep those pesky cavities away.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Avoid Sharing Food and Beverages

We are taught to share our toys at a young age, but that does not mean we should share everything.  Teach your child not to drink or eat anything that previously touched someone else’s mouth.  Bacteria can travel from person to person, which can end up damaging teeth.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Always Come to Routine Dental Visits

Shoal Creek recommends a visit to our Olathe dentist office every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. We recommend children start coming to the dentist as soon as their first tooth is visible.

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Increase Fruits and Vegetables

According to a family dentist in Olathe, foods with excess water can help keep your child’s mouth hydrated and assist in producing extra saliva.  Whenever the mouth stays hydrated, it aids in keeping bacteria from sticking to your child’s teeth.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Avoid Artificial Sugars 

Beverages like soda and juice boxes are high in sugar and can negatively impact your health no matter your age.  Children’s teeth are not immune to sugar either, as too much sugar can lead to tooth decay and other dental issues.  Sticky foods that are hard to remove from teeth (taffy, caramel, honey, etc.) are also highly discouraged by our Olathe dentist office.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Drink Lots of Water 

We discussed earlier the benefits of extra fruits and vegetables because of their high-water content.  So, drinking a bottle of water can provide the same benefits at an even higher level.  As a premier Olathe dentist office, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry emphasizes drinking plenty of water as it can wash away bacteria, prevent acid build-up, and provide many other health benefits outside of your child’s oral health.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Explains 5 Aspects of Tooth Loss 

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Explains 5 Aspects of Tooth Loss — As a leading family dentist in Olathe, our staff at Waters Davidson knows that sometimes children struggle with losing their teeth. Even though it is a normal part of being a child is losing teeth. It may seem a little scary for your child, so we have compiled a list of things you can discuss with your son or daughter to help them feel more at ease with tooth loss.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Answers, “At what age should children be losing their teeth?” 

According to an experienced family dentist in Olathe, the average age is six years old for children to have their first loose tooth, and around age twelve is when they can expect to lose their final baby tooth.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Answers, “Why do teeth get loose?” 

Bone cells under the baby teeth naturally break down over time to make way for new permanent teeth.  However, if you believe a tooth was knocked loose due to a fall or being bumped, then make an appointment at a dentist office in Olathe to make sure that there is no further damage.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says, “Let the tooth run its course…” 

When a tooth first becomes loose, there is an instinct to remove it immediately.  As a leading dentist office in Olathe, Waters Davidson recommends leaving the tooth alone and to let it come free naturally.  It may take a few hours or a few days but as your child continues to wiggle the tooth with their tongue, the tooth will slowly become looser and eventually come free.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says, “Continue to brush and floss, even after the tooth is removed.”

Although it feels funny, your child should still brush and floss in the area where the tooth was lost.  The area will be more sensitive than what your child is used to, so remind them to brush that area a little more gently than usual.

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Family Dentist in Olathe Says, “Use ice if needed.”

If your child feels pain or discomfort near the empty tooth socket, the dentist office in Olathe recommends using ice to dull or numb the pain.  Over-the-counter medication such as children’s Tylenol may be used as well.


Contact Waters Davidson Family Dentistry for your children’s dental needs


Typically, a loose tooth will remove itself naturally within a few days.  However, if you are concerned about a loose tooth or any other dental issues for your child, you can come see us at our dentist office in Olathe.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

4 Reasons to See the Best Dentist in Olathe Before the New Year

Best Olathe Dentist

4 Reasons to See the Best Dentist in Olathe Before the New Year

Well, it is the most wonderful time of year is it not? The time for you to have those routine checkups before all those insurance benefits run out! While it might be the busiest time for many of us, your Olathe dentist office is ready for your next appointment. Call us before you head out and indulge on all those holiday treats.

Here are some reasons to help your holiday smile with the best dentist in Olathe this December.

#1 The Best Dentist in Olathe Gives You Bright Smiles and Fresh Breath

Are you getting ready for those holiday parties? Is it business or just at your cozy home? At your hygiene appointment, Waters Davidson will remove any tartar or plaque buildup that accumulated since your last visit.

We want you to smile with confidence. This means that you will have cleaner, whiter teeth for the holidays. While you’re there, get those teeth whitened too! Or, purchase a gift certificate for someone in your life to visit our Olathe dentist office for a whitening.

#2 The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends You Use Up Those Insurance Benefits

Did you know you can usually get two cleanings each year with your insurance plan? If you end up waiting for the new year, you will miss out on your benefit coverage for the year.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Benefits typically reset on January 1st. Therefore, if you have any additional dental treatment that you need finished up, you should schedule it this year if you haven’t used up your yearly maximum.

#3 The Best Dentist in Olathe Helps You Avoid Emergencies

It’s the busiest during holidays, isn’t it?  If you are traveling the last thing, you want is to worry about a dental emergency.

Visit your dentist before you head out of town, so you won’t run risk of anything happening while you are out of town. Just a regular visit could identify an upcoming major issue. Stop by the best dentist in Olathe to find out if you have any dental troubles.

#4 Early New Year’s Resolution

Want to get a jump start on those New Year’s Resolutions? Jump start those oral health goals. The best way to do that is to stay on top of your flossing and brushing.

Make sure to floss at least 3-4 times a week, and brush twice every day. Come in and get a new toothbrush and evaluation to get off on the right foot this holiday season.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service in Olathe.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

How the Best Dentist in Olathe Can Make Brushing Fun for Your Kids This Holiday Season

Best Dentist in Olathe

How the Best Dentist in Olathe Can Make Brushing Fun for Your Kids This Holiday Season

Get kids into brushing this holiday season by trying something new. When you first incorporate brushing into your child’s routine, it is best to try to avoid making it seem like something they “have to do.” Waters Davidson is considered by many as the best dentist in Olathe and we have a few tricks on how to keep brushing fun for you and your child.

  • Develop a fun routine
  • Add holiday music to brushing
  • Encourage them to use their imagination
  • Adjust to what isn’t working


The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Routines

It is important that your child knows that brushing their teeth keeps them healthy and is a big part of their day.  They should know that in order to start something fun for the day (breakfast, playing with toys, etc.), they must first begin with brushing their teeth.

Also, let them know that you can read a holiday story together with them before bedtime but only after they finish brushing. This will keep them a little more motivated to stay on track every day/night.

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Holiday Music

For most children, a Christmas song can make anything a little better. That includes starting a brushing routine during the holiday break. Try to find a song that you can sing to them or play on your phone.

If your child does not brush for as long as they should, you can make sure that the song plays for two minutes and let your child know that they need to brush for the entire time. Or, you can split the music up into one-minute intervals so that they can spend one minute each on the top and bottom teeth.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Using Your Imagination

Once you are done brushing, you can encourage your child to “pretend” and go brush their favorite new stuffed animals or dolls’ teeth they got for Christmas. Get them a toy or just an extra toothbrush after visiting the Olathe dentist office you have and take the time to teach them about the health of your teeth.

Say things like, “make sure your baby doll’s teeth are clean just like yours!” Be sure to leave out the toothpaste for pretend brushing or you will likely end up with quite a mess!

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Adjusting Things

If your child is not enjoying brushing, try looking into trying new things. The cold water might be affecting their teeth, so try warm water instead. The toothpaste they are using might be “yucky,” so see if there’s a different flavor that your child might enjoy.

The bristles on the toothbrush might be bothering your child, so you might look into a soft-bristled toothbrush instead. Also, electric toothbrushes are considered soothing to some children, so you may want to give one of those a try. Keep trying different things to find out what works best! Or visit an Olathe dentist office to get some other great ideas.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service in Olathe.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

5 Great Ways to Teach Kids About Dental Hygiene; Advice from a Family Dentist in Olathe

Family Dentist in Olathe

5 Ways to Teach Kids About Dental Hygiene; Advice from a Family Dentist in Olathe

It is crucial to be positive in the early years when you teach your children about the dentist. Dental hygiene is a critical component to your child’s health according to a family dentist in Olathe. Tooth decay is a common condition affecting most of the population.

Although it is common, it is highly preventable when in kids and families. As parents or caregivers of children, it’s important to teach proper hygiene habits, including their teeth. Including visiting the Olathe dentist office regularly for check-ups.

Here are a few essential things to remember from an experienced family dentist in Olathe when teaching your children about their teeth and how to care for them.

#1 Make sure your child has the right tools. Take your child to the store and let them pick out the right size toothbrush that they can get excited about.  Whether it be their favorite color or one with a character on it, it’s important they like it.

#2 Next, make sure they have the right toothpaste flavor; just like us all, kids have flavor preferences. There is a wide variety now, such as mint, bubble gum, cinnamon, and many more. This will help make brush time less of a struggle.

#3 Get yourself a little timer that you can set for two minutes. This is the right brushing time for adults and children alike. You might find that you, yourself, do not brush the full two minutes that the American Dental Association recommends.

Family Dentist in Olathe

#4 Create a sticker chart or a reward system for brushing regularly. It’s helpful for kids, when learning new habits, to have a system in which they can keep track of their brushing. The reward should not be candy or sweet treat related but rather fun activity, picking the restaurant for dinner or maybe a fun toy.

#5 Prepare your kids by providing fun videos or books that talk about tooth brushing and dental hygiene. Check with your local library or ask a family dentist in Olathe for materials. Don’t simply say sugar is bad but explain to them through learning materials why sugar is bad and what happens to the tooth when you eat sugar. YouTube is an excellent resource for learning videos for kids, with supervision, of course.

  • Schedule a regular routine checkup with the Olathe dentist office today to prevent any cavities from forming. When you are seeing a family dentist in Olathe regularly, they can check the progression of growth of the jaw and teeth to make sure everything is developing on track, and they can prevent tiny cavities from growing into major problems.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Keeping Your Kids Teeth Health During the Holidays: 4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Olathe Family Dentist

Keeping Your Kids Teeth Health During the Holidays: 4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Do things get a little crazy at your house during the holidays? Does your routine look less like a routine and more like a chaotic family mess? The kids are out of school, they stay up late and sleep in, and often get out of their routine. With an inconsistent schedule, kids may become lackadaisical when brushing and taking care of their teeth.

The holidays always bring a huge influx of sweet treats, baking, and rich foods. This combination can be dangerous for your little ones’ teeth. An experienced Olathe family dentist at Waters Davidson, can help you keep on track with your dental routine.

Here are a few pointers from a knowledgeable Olathe family dentist to keep in mind this holiday season to ensure your teeth stay strong and healthy:

  1. Don’t Forget Your Child’s Regular Checkups

With the kids out of school, this is a great time to check in with your dentist in Olathe to see how those teeth are doing. Scraping away plaque and catching cavities before starting is a great way to kick off your holiday season.

During your visit, you can also ask an Olathe family dentist any questions you might have about tooth and jaw development. Nighttime teeth grinding, thumb sucking, and cavities are some of the top complaints among small children.

  1. Your Olathe Family Dentist Says, “Ration Your Sweet Treats!”

Candy, cookies, and sweet treats are a part of the holiday, and it’s hard to get around. As a top Olathe family dentist, our team at Waters Davidson knows there are ways to indulge in the occasional sweet snack without having major consequences.

One of the best ways to do this is to have a wide variety of healthy snacks as alternatives so that your kiddo isn’t grabbing those sweet treats every time. When offering a snack, make sure and have them brush their teeth after they finish, or at the very least, some water around to try to break off any sugars stuck to their tooth’s surface.

Olathe Family Dentist

3. “Avoid Keeping Sweet Snacks Out on The Counter!”

Keeping sweet treats on the counter gives more opportunities for your kids to grab the wrong foods. Instead, over the holiday break, set out some healthier options on the counter to snack on. Put the sweet snacks away as a treat for later, and make sure they are not easily available for consumption.

4. “Keep Up with Your Regular Brushing and Flossing Routine!”

This isn’t easy to do when most families are off their regular schedule. However, this is the most important time to keep it up, especially knowing the kinds of foods and snacks people are eating during this time. Make sure your children are brushing two to three times a day and specifically after a sweet snack or piece of candy.

Your Olathe family dentist suggests that kids drink lots of water to try to wash off the sugars in-between their teeth. This prevents future problems, like loss of enamel.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

5 Ways To Prevent Nasty Cavities with The Help of a Family Dentist in Olathe

Family Dentist in Olathe

5 Ways To Prevent Cavities with The Help of a Family Dentist in Olathe


Cavities have become a somewhat normal occurrence in family dentistry, but they don’t have to be. Cavities can be avoided with proper hygiene, preventative care, and regular checkups with a family dentist in Olathe. As a highly experienced dentist in Olathe, our staff at Waters Davidson wants to partner with you to provide the proper education and care. This will give your family the best chance at good dental hygiene starting with a healthy smile and teeth. Here are a few tips that can help prevent cavities.

Consider Sealants

Sealants are growing in popularity among parents and the best dentists in Olathe. This is because they not only protect your child’s teeth, but they do an excellent job of preventing cavities. Teeth often have many ridges and small spaces for food and bacteria to hide. Foods with high acidity, sugar, and other harmful substances get into these small areas, which can be hard to remove.

Even with kids that brush regularly, it’s hard to reach some of these spots. Over time, cavities can form and spread. Sealants put a protective coating on the tooth’s surface, covering these tiny spots, which will prevent food from sitting on the tooth and starting the decay process.

Get Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a teeth strengthener. This means that it makes your child’s teeth less susceptible to cavities and tooth decay. Studies have found that when used appropriately through the help of the best family dentist in Olathe. fluoride use can significantly reduce the number of cavities that your child develops.

“There are three proven rules for good teeth: brush after every meal; see your Olathe dentist twice a year; and mind your own business.” — Henry Boyd (okay we added the Olathe part…)

Family Dentist in Olathe

Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar is in nearly everything these days, including in your meals, spices, let alone soft drinks, sports drinks, and most snacks. Sugars are the main reason for tooth decay and cavities. Cutting back on your child’s sugar intake, brushing after a sugary treat, or rinsing with water, are all key to keeping their teeth healthy and strong according to some of the best family dentists in Olathe.

Increase Your Child’s Xylitol Intake

Xylitol is found naturally in some berries and fruits and is also widely used as a sugar alternative. It has enormous benefits for children’s tooth health and significantly reduces their development of cavities. Check with your family dentist in Olathe to see if Xylitol is suitable for your child.

Work hard. Play Hard. Mouth Guard.

Get one from the best Olathe sleep dentist.


Brushing your child’s teeth three times a day after meals or snacks is a good rule of thumb according to the best dentists in Olathe. This is because when sticky or chewy foods stick to the surface of the tooth, it causes the protective coating to break down and start to erode and decay the tooth.

Over time this can cause cavities that can be both painful and costly. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste not only removes the stuck-on food from the tooth, but the fluoride strengthens your child’s tooth. This is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Best Olathe Dentist

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we strive each day to be the best Olathe dentist possible. Getting regular dental care will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dental office in Olathe has been trusted by Olathe residents for years.

Using cutting edge technology and having a staff who cares about our patients has allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and customer service. We even have services associated with sleep disorders and are many of our satisfied customers consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. See why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website, or contact us online to get started today!