Keeping Your Kids Teeth Health During the Holidays: 4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Olathe Family Dentist

Keeping Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy During the Holidays: 4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Do things get a little crazy at your house during the holidays? Does your routine look less like a routine and more like a chaotic family mess? With the festive season upon us, the kids are out of school, staying up late, sleeping in, and often veering off their usual routine. This inconsistency can lead to kids becoming a bit too relaxed when it comes to brushing and taking care of their teeth, which is crucial for maintaining dental health.

The holidays always bring a huge influx of sweet treats, baking, and rich foods—indulgences that can be delightful but potentially harmful to your little ones’ teeth. An experienced Olathe family dentist at Waters Davidson can help you keep on track with maintaining a consistent dental routine despite the holiday hustle and bustle.

4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Here are a few pointers from a knowledgeable Olathe family dentist to keep in mind this holiday season to ensure your children’s teeth stay strong and healthy:

  1. “Don’t Forget Your Child’s Regular Checkups”

With the kids out of school, this is an ideal time to check in with your dentist in Olathe to assess how their teeth are doing. Regular checkups are important as they allow for the removal of plaque and the early detection of cavities, preventing them from becoming a bigger issue. Starting your holiday season with clean and healthy teeth can make all the difference.

During your visit, take the opportunity to ask an Olathe family dentist any questions you might have about your child’s tooth and jaw development. Common concerns such as nighttime teeth grinding, thumb sucking, and cavities among small children can be addressed, providing peace of mind for parents.

  1. Your Olathe Family Dentist Says, “Ration Your Sweet Treats!”

Candy, cookies, and sweet treats are synonymous with the holiday, and avoiding them completely is nearly impossible. As a top Olathe family dentist, our team at Waters Davidson understands this, and we know there are ways to enjoy these treats without major repercussions.

One of the best strategies is to offer a wide variety of healthy snacks as alternatives, so your child doesn’t reach for sugary treats every time. When offering a snack, encourage them to brush their teeth afterward or at least have some water nearby to help rinse away any sugars clinging to their teeth. This practice can significantly reduce the risk of cavity formation and maintain their oral health through the holiday season.

Remember, a little vigilance goes a long way in keeping those smiles bright and healthy!

Olathe Family Dentist

3. “Avoid Keeping Sweet Snacks Out on The Counter!”

Keeping sweet treats on the counter gives more opportunities for your kids to grab the wrong foods. Instead, over the holiday break, set out some healthier options on the counter to snack on. Put the sweet snacks away as a treat for later, and make sure they are not easily available for consumption.

4. “Keep Up with Your Regular Brushing and Flossing Routine!”

This isn’t easy to do when most families are off their regular schedule. However, this is the most important time to keep it up, especially knowing the kinds of foods and snacks people are eating during this time. Make sure your children are brushing two to three times a day and specifically after a sweet snack or piece of candy.

Your Olathe family dentist suggests that kids drink lots of water to try to wash off the sugars in-between their teeth. This prevents future problems, like loss of enamel.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

8 Common Family Dental Issues, According to a Dentist in Olathe

Dentist in Olathe

8 Common Family Dental Issues, According to a Dentist in Olathe

Often families aren’t aware that children’s teeth or “baby teeth” are just as important as adult teeth. Many parents simply can’t afford to take their children regularly for dental check-ups. Doctors Waters and Davidson want every child to have access to dental care, which is why we take all major insurance. Many families consider us the best family dentist in Olathe, as our dental professionals have addressed some common dental problems that kids and parents face and address them head-on.

Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be a sign of tooth decay or other untreated teeth issues. One reason many consider us the best family dentist in Olathe, our team at Waters Davidson can diagnose your child’s reason for discomfort and develop a game plan to fix it. It could be as simple as changing out your child’s toothbrush or switching to a different toothpaste. Sometimes the dentist must apply a sealant to the teeth to fill in any grooves not being reached with the brush.

Bad Breath in Children

Most children with bad breath can solve this problem by brushing their teeth regularly. This problem is somewhat common in children as they struggle to take care to brush every tooth surface, tongue, and gums to ensure everything in the mouth has been scrubbed. It’s also important to use an antibacterial mouthwash to hit the surfaces a toothbrush cannot. Although most problems with bad breath are solved through taking these actions, some problems cannot be solved despite your best efforts, so it is best to consult the best dentist in Olathe if problems persist.

Floss like a boss! Listen to a family dentist in Olathe, we know teeth!

Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers

All these behaviors help a baby self-soothe but can be hard on developing teeth and gums. Cutting these habits as soon as possible will be beneficial for the long-term dental health of a child. Pediatric dentists hear this concern all the time and have great ways to help children break the habit. Consult an experienced dentist in Olathe such as Waters Davidson, for ideas.

Tooth Decay & Cavities

Tooth decay seems to be one of the more common problems in family dentistry. Children and adults alike should be brushing at least twice a day to ensure that food particles do not get lodged and plaque does not begin to build up.

Dentist in Olathe

Teeth Grinding

It is pretty standard for kids to grind their teeth to cope with the pain of their baby teeth’ emerging for the first time. Most children will stop doing this on their own after the teeth grow in, but this habit can result in eroding enamel. To prevent this from occurring, your dentist may advise your child to wear a nightguard. Your child can be fitted for one with the best Olathe sleep dentist.


Tongue Thrusting

As babies transition from breast/bottle feeding to eating solids or food purees, they naturally change how their mouth and tongue works to feed and swallow. However, we occasionally see patients that continue to thrust the tongue forward as they grow. This can ultimately lead to improper tooth growth and interfere with speech development.


“Trips to the dentist – I like to postpone that kind of thing.”  -Johnny Depp

Johnny has never been to the best Olathe dentist or he would want to come all the time!


Canker Sores 

Canker sores usually cause pain between 10-14 days and can be very painful for your child to experience. When suffering from a painful canker sore, it’s important to brush normally but avoid acid drinks or foods so that the issue is not agitated.


Families with children are known to play rough, fall on the playground, or trip on the sidewalk. All these things can be the culprit of a dental emergency. Children often crack or break a tooth at least some point during their childhood, causing pain or soreness. As an experienced family dentist in Olathe, we are prepared for every dental emergency. Just give our Olathe dentist office a call if you find yourself experiencing an unexpected event.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health in our Olathe dental office.

We also offer cosmetic dentistry is any service designed to improve the appearance of the teeth, gums and/or bite. Cosmetic dentistry has the ability to correct anything from crooked teeth, to even minimizing a “gummy” smile, a caring dentist in Olathe is here to help you.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

Additionally, Do you Snore? Do you grind your teeth? Do you wake up with a sore jaw or a headache? These can be signs of SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING or Sleep Apnea! If you’re looking for an evaluation or need an alternative to CPAP and want more information about an oral appliance, call our office for an appointment with a sleep dentist in Olathe. See why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call Waters Davidson at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Why is My Tooth Gray? Important Info from the Best Dentist in Olathe

Why is My Tooth Gray? Important Info from the Best Dentist in Olathe

What is a dead tooth, and does that mean I need a root canal? The best dentist in Olathe says most likely yes. When a tooth dies, it often means the nerve inside the tooth is no longer living, and this can be due to injury or decay. Your treatment will most likely be extraction or a root canal. A root canal involves cleaning out the dead tissue inside the tooth and sealing it to prevent infection. You do not want an infection in your mouth to spread to the airway, bloodstream, or brain, as this could lead to severe health issues. Infections in the mouth, though rare, can become very dangerous and result in serious consequences. The best family dentist in Olathe advises never to ignore a gray tooth, as it could indicate a dying or dead tooth.

Why is my tooth discolored?

When someone has a discolored tooth, you should be more than concerned; you should immediately call the best dentist in Olathe. A discolored tooth could indicate a dental issue that needs treatment, even if it is not causing any pain. Color changes in teeth are pretty standard and are not always serious, so it is good to make sure if this is a relatively new change. For instance, staining from certain foods or drinks, like coffee or red wine, can cause discoloration over time. Ask yourself if the change is affecting all your teeth or just one?


When all the teeth have gone gray in color, it is unlikely that all of them have gone bad simultaneously. You could be suffering from external staining or the natural aging process, which can affect tooth color. However, if it is one tooth that is of particular concern, and if that tooth looks much grayer than the adjacent teeth, then you should suspect an underlying issue and promptly see the best family dentist in Olathe so they can evaluate the tooth. A thorough examination can help determine if there is a need for intervention to prevent further complications.

Best Dentist in Olathe

 Is my gray tooth an emergency?

If discoloration is your only symptom, do not worry about hurrying to see the best dentist in Olathe. However, if you have to swell in the gums around the gray tooth, pus drainage at all, or pain when you chew, call Waters Davidson Family Dentistry because your problem may require urgent care.

Swelling indicates an active spreading possible infection progression to your jawbone. The best family dentist in Olathe wants you to pay close attention to this if it is someone that is younger than 12 years old. These symptoms can turn acute reasonably quickly when you least expect it.

FAQ: Grey Tooth Pain and Discoloration

Q: What does it mean if my tooth is turning grey and hurts? A: If you notice your tooth turning grey and experience pain, it could indicate various underlying issues such as infection, trauma, decay, or even nerve damage. It is crucial to seek dental attention promptly.


Q: Does a grey tooth always mean there is pain associated with it? A: Not necessarily. While a grey tooth can sometimes be accompanied by pain, there are cases where a grey tooth may not cause discomfort. Regardless, it’s important to have any changes in tooth color evaluated by a dental professional.


Q: How is grey tooth pain treated at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry? A: At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we offer comprehensive evaluations to determine the cause of grey tooth pain. Treatment options may include root canal therapy, restoration procedures, or other interventions based on the specific diagnosis.


Q: Can a grey tooth be a sign of a more serious dental issue? A: Yes, a grey tooth can signify significant dental problems that require attention. It’s essential to address any changes in tooth color promptly to prevent further complications and maintain oral health.


Q: What should I do if I have a grey tooth that hurts or shows signs of discoloration? A: If you have a grey tooth that hurts, is discolored, or shows any concerning changes, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our experienced team at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment. Early intervention can help preserve the health and function of your teeth.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Talks Healthy Teeth in 2022

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Talks Healthy Teeth in 2022


Baby teeth are just as important as adult teeth, so it’s crucial that parents keep their children’s teeth clean and healthy. Unfortunately, there is a common assumption that since baby teeth fall out, good dental habits as a kid aren’t necessary. However, the best family dentist in Olathe can tell you that is far from the truth. Healthy adult teeth start with healthy baby teeth! Here are four easy ways to keep children’s teeth healthy, according to the best dentist in Olathe.

Visit an Olathe Dentist Office

It’s relatively unknown among parents as to when they should take their child to see their family dentist in Olathe for the first time. It is recommended that a child have their first dental appointment within six months of their first tooth growing in, or by their first birthday. The earliest a child can see the best family dentist in Olathe, the earlier good dental habits can begin.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Family Dentist in Olathe Suggests Starting Good Oral Habits Early

Establishing good oral habits at home from a young age is crucial for maintaining children’s dental health, complementing early visits to the dentist. Family influences are key, as children often mimic the behaviors they observe. This includes creating a daily routine of brushing teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash once teeth have fully developed. Consistency in these practices helps prevent oral health issues and instills lifelong habits that protect against tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental Sealants

Children often take time to develop effective teeth brushing skills, and even the most skilled child may miss those tricky spots without supervision. This can leave your child vulnerable to tooth decay. Dental sealants offer an additional layer of protection. A dental sealant is a thin, protective coating made of plastic resin applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where decay occurs most often. It acts as a barrier, making it harder for plaque to settle in grooves and depressions. To explore how sealants can benefit your child, contact the best dentist in Olathe for more information.

Limit Sugary Foods

Sugar and carbohydrates are well-known contributors to cavities, making it essential for parents to monitor and limit their child’s sugar intake. While it’s natural for children and adolescents to enjoy sugary drinks and snacks, moderation is key. Educating them about the impact of sugar on their teeth and encouraging healthier choices can make a significant difference. By minimizing sugary consumption, discussing the importance of dental health, and promoting good oral hygiene practices, parents can help their children maintain strong and healthy teeth.

If you’re searching for the best family dentist in Olathe to cater to your whole family’s dental needs, look no further. We have worked diligently to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for patients of all ages. Our friendly staff is dedicated to making you feel comfortable and secure during visits. We even provide sedation dentistry options, making us one of the leading Olathe sleep dentists. Reach out today to discover how we can take care of your family’s dental health!

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Best Dentist in Olathe: Answers 5 Important Oral Health Questions

Best Dentist in Olathe

Best Dentist in Olathe: Answers 5 Important Oral Health Questions–If you are looking for the best dentist in Olathe, chances are you have some questions about the health of your teeth. It can be difficult to know where to turn to for answers when there are so many dentists out there, and many are booked for months in advance.

As one of the best family dentists in Olathe, our team at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry is here to help. In this article, we’ll answer some basic questions that we get asked all the time to help people achieve better oral health.

What Can I do at Home to Prevent Cavities?

The Best Dentist in Olathe Says, Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar is not healthy for your body in general, but especially for the health of your teeth. When sugars sit on the surface of your teeth, they can erode your tooth’s enamel and start the formation of cavities. The best dentist in Olathe even tiny amounts can sit in the crevices of your teeth, causing a breakdown.

The Best Dentist in Olathe: Brush Your Teeth Throughout the Day

The best dentist in Olathe still recommended to brush your teeth two to three times a day, but more importantly, you should try to brush after each meal or if you partake in particularly surgery snacks. This is because teeth are meant to break down your food for consumption but are not designed to have food sitting on their surface for long periods of time.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Says, Eat A Healthy Diet

The health and strength of your teeth depend on the health of your body. If you are eating a lot of junk food, your teeth can turn brittle over time and not be as vibrant and strong as you would like. Eat a regular diet of fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain your teeth’s health. It also helps to limit sugary and acidic foods as they can lead to tooth decay.

Don’t Forget About Flossing

Flossing is often overlooked, but it plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy teeth. It removes plaque and food particles from between your teeth, which cannot be reached by brushing alone. By flossing at least once a day, you can prevent the buildup of plaque and reduce your risk of developing cavities or gum disease.

Drink Plenty of Water

The best dentist in Olathe reminds about staying hydrated is not only essential for your overall health but also for your oral health. Drinking water helps to wash away food particles and bacteria in your mouth that can cause bad breath and tooth decay. It also helps to stimulate saliva production, which aids in neutralizing

The Best Dentist in Olathe Says, Visit Your Dentist Office in Olathe Regularly

When your teeth are being examined regularly, you can rest assured that any small problems won’t develop into full-blown tooth issues. For instance, if your family dentist in Olathe starts to see some decaying enamel, this can be fixed to stop the development of cavities.

How Can I Keep My Teeth White?

This is a common question people ask some of the best Olathe Dentists. Over time, it is normal for people’s teeth to discolor and turn dull. Some things can prevent this or just slow down the process of yellowed teeth.

Regular consumption of coffee and wine can cause stains on white teeth. If you are going to drink either one of these beverages, try brushing your teeth directly after consumption to avoid staining.

If possible, switch to white wine instead of red if you regularly drink wine. Smoking tobacco is also a big problem when it comes to your overall health and teeth yellowing. Talk to your doctor about ways you can quit smoking.

Best Dentist in Olathe
Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

Get ready to meet the most trendy Olathe Dentist: Waters Davidson! Your goal as a patient at our general dentistry practice in Olathe KS is to have the most radiant, healthy teeth possible. Our myobrace Olathe dentist is capable of handling dental implants, aesthetic procedures, and teeth cleaning in Olathe, to name a few!

Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, a care credit dentist in Olathe is distinguished by our commitment to family values, tailored patient care, and dental expertise. Not only does our Olathe sleep apnea dentist provide Stilwell and Olathe with the best dental care possible, but we also value you as a valued member of our dental family. And what do you know? We want your dental experience to be as easygoing as a summer’s day!



Your pleasure and comfort are our first concerns at Waters Davidson in Olathe. Let’s face it, nobody likes to have a stressful dental appointment, so we want you to feel comfortable while visiting us. Our dentist specializing in tooth reshaping is determined to go above and beyond your expectations and provide you with a confident smile!Our goal is to simplify your life with easy scheduling too!

Discover the difference at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, laser therapy dentist in Olathe help create a smile that will turn heads! Schedule an Olathe consultation with our general dentistry practice in Olathe right now to begin your path to flawless oral health and radiant smiles!


Olathe Family Dental Office
751 North Mur-Len Rd., Suite B
Olathe, KS 66062
(913) 782-1330

Stilwell Family Dental Office
7404 W 199th St
Stilwell, Kansas 66085
(913) 782-1330

© Copyright 2022
Waters and Davidson Dentistry — An Olathe Dental Office


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Best Dentist in Olathe is #1 Choice for Families

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe is a Family-Friendly Dentist

If you are like most families with a busy schedule, then you know how hard it can be to take time out to do preventative care on teeth for your family. Making more than one trip to the dentist for yourself and your kids just isn’t going to work for most people. Having the best dentist in Olathe see your whole family is the perfect one-stop solution to keep your family’s oral health in great shape.

Here are the top reasons why the best family dentist in Olathe is the perfect fit for your family.

First and foremost, a family-friendly dentist understands the unique needs of both adults and children. They are trained in providing comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages, from toddlers to seniors. This means they can accommodate your entire family’s dental care needs with just one appointment. No more juggling schedules and making multiple trips to different dentists.


It’s Convenient

Having the same Olathe dentist office for the whole family allows people a place to get routine dental checkups done in one trip for the whole family. If you’ve ever had the experience of seeing multiple dentists or doctors and not remembering who to call for what, you can rest assured that you know exactly who to call in case of a dental emergency.

It Helps Children Feel Safe

If you and your children are on the same dental routine schedule, your child can watch you go first. This will help eliminate the anxiety of what might be ahead. They can see you experience it with flying colors and might even be eager to go next.

Going to even the best dentist in Olathe can be scary because opening your mouth to a stranger can feel strange in of itself. Visiting your dentist office in Olathe regularly can also ease some of those fears associated with not being familiar with the environment. Once they see you and siblings, friends, or other family members go through the routine, it can feel more comfortable.


Additionally, regular dental visits with the best dentist in Olathe from a young age can help children establish good oral hygiene habits that can last a lifetime. By seeing the best dentist in Olathe  on a regular basis, children are reminded of the importance of brushing and flossing every day. This can also lead to better overall health as poor oral hygiene has been linked to various health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Will Know Your Family’s History

Nothing is more unnerving than seeing someone new for the first time. When you don’t’ see them often enough, it can feel like the first time every time. When you visit an Olathe dentist office regularly, you can rest assured that they will greet you by name, and it helps to make everyone feel more at home. Seeing someone who knows your family’s history helps the appointments go faster, and you can rest assured that they already know your information for the right treatments.

Emergencies Will Be Easier With the Best Dentist in Olathe

If you have ever encountered a dental emergency, you know it can be difficult to get in to see someone right away. When you are established with a family dentist, they know what your medical history and will act accordingly to get you back to feeling yourself again. No emergency is easy, but going into it with a full history and current scans will make it go much more quickly.

Best Dentist in Olathe
Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

Get ready to meet the most trendy Olathe Dentist: Waters Davidson! Your goal as a patient at our general dentistry practice in Olathe KS is to have the most radiant, healthy teeth possible. Our myobrace Olathe dentist is capable of handling dental implants, aesthetic procedures, and teeth cleaning in Olathe, to name a few!

Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, a care credit dentist in Olathe is distinguished by our commitment to family values, tailored patient care, and dental expertise. Not only does our Olathe sleep apnea dentist provide Stilwell and Olathe with the best dental care possible, but we also value you as a valued member of our dental family. And what do you know? We want your dental experience to be as easygoing as a summer’s day!

Your pleasure and comfort are our first concerns at Waters Davidson in Olathe. Let’s face it, nobody likes to have a stressful dental appointment, so we want you to feel comfortable while visiting us. Our dentist specializing in tooth reshaping is determined to go above and beyond your expectations and provide you with a confident smile! Our goal is to simplify your life with easy scheduling too!

Discover the difference at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, laser therapy dentist in Olathe help create a smile that will turn heads! Schedule an Olathe consultation with our general dentistry practice in Olathe right now to begin your path to flawless oral health and radiant smiles!


Olathe Family Dental Office
751 North Mur-Len Rd., Suite B
Olathe, KS 66062
(913) 782-1330

Stilwell Family Dental Office
7404 W 199th St
Stilwell, Kansas 66085
(913) 782-1330

© Copyright 2022
Waters and Davidson Dentistry — An Olathe Dental Office


Privacy Policy

Accessibility Statement

Dentist Office in Olathe: How To Calm Your Sensitive Teeth 101

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

Advice from a Premier Dentist Office in Olathe on How to Calm Your Sensitive Teeth

It is not uncommon for a person to experience the sensation of having a sensitive tooth. If you have one, you know it can be incredibly uncomfortable to live with. It can be hard to know what to do to get relief, which is why making regular appointments with a dentist office in Olathe is always a good idea. Some of the best dentists in Olathe will provide great solutions to help make your symptoms minimal.

Here are some of the best ways to provide relief for sensitive teeth.

Switch Your Toothpaste

If you are using toothpaste that isn’t for sensitive teeth, switching over as soon as possible is a good idea. Most tooth sensitivity is due to a breakdown of the enamel, which protects your teeth. When you use a toothpaste meant for sensitive teeth, it works to fill in those areas of erosion to minimize the pain associated with sensitivity. Additionally, these types of toothpaste often contain ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, which help to numb the nerves and provide relief.

Use a Soft-Bristled Brush

Brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled brush can actually contribute to sensitivity. It’s important to use a soft-bristled brush when brushing your teeth, a dentist office in Olathe explains as this is gentler on the enamel and won’t cause further erosion. Be sure to also use gentle, circular motions when brushing rather than harsh back-and-forth motions.

Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acidic foods and drinks can be especially painful for those with sensitive teeth. These include things like citrus fruits, soda, and wine. Try to limit your consumption of these items and rinse your mouth with water afterwards to help neutralize the acid. If you do indulge in acidic foods or drinks, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth as the enamel will be softer and more susceptible to damage.

Consider a Desensitizing Toothpaste

There are many toothpastes on the market specifically designed for sensitive teeth. These contain ingredients that help to block the channels in the dentin that transmit pain signals to the nerves. Look for toothpastes labeled “desensitizing” or “for sensitive teeth” or ask a dentist office in Olathe to show you an example and use them consistently for best results.

Pick the Right Toothbrush

Picking the right toothbrush for the job is essential to calming your sensitive teeth. The stiffer the bristles, the harsher it is on the surface of your tooth and can further damage or agitate an already sensitive tooth. The best toothbrush for sensitive teeth is a soft-bristled brush; an Olathe dentist can give you their recommendations on the best toothbrushes to fit your needs.

Our Dentist Office in Olathe Says, Be Careful What Foods You Eat

Some foods aggravate tooth sensitivity more than others. Common foods that are high in acid include fermented foods, citrus fruits, soft drinks, and coffee, to name a few. Minimizing the intake of these foods can significantly reduce your pain symptoms.

It’s also a good idea to monitor the hot and cold foods you drink or eat throughout the day. For instance, a trusted family dentist in Olathe recommends that if cold hurts your teeth, instead try drinking tap water. If hot foods bother your teeth, try sticking to a sandwich instead of soup for lunch. Making these small changes can greatly impact your overall pain throughout the day.

Our Dentist Office in Olathe Says, Gargle and Swish Salt Water

Make a solution of salt and water and mix it up thoroughly. Swish this mixture around your mouth and between your teeth a few times a day to balance the acidity in your mouth. This also reduces bacteria and reduces pain for most people.

Dentist Office in Olathe

Try Fluoride Treatments at Your Dentist Office in Olathe

If your dentist suggests trying a fluoride treatment, it might be a great option to cut back on pain and sensitivity to your teeth. Fluoride has a proven track record for filling in holes or exposures on the teeth causing the pain.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a top dentist office in Olathe that offers a wide range of dental services. We understand that there are many challenges in having a healthy smile, and we are experts at tackling each one. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will help you keep your mouth pain-free and your teeth sparkling.

Give us a call today at (913) 782-1330, or contact us online to learn more about all of the many services we offer. We look forward to assisting you with all your dental needs.


Olathe Family Dental Office
751 North Mur-Len Rd., Suite B
Olathe, KS 66062
(913) 782-1330

Stilwell Family Dental Office
7404 W 199th St
Stilwell, Kansas 66085
(913) 782-1330

© Copyright 2022
Waters and Davidson Dentistry — An Olathe Dental Office


Privacy Policy

Accessibility Statement