8 Common Family Dental Issues, According to a Dentist in Olathe
Often families aren’t aware that children’s teeth or “baby teeth” are just as important as adult teeth. Many parents simply can’t afford to take their children regularly for dental check-ups. Doctors Waters and Davidson want every child to have access to dental care, which is why we take all major insurance. Many families consider us the best family dentist in Olathe, as our dental professionals have addressed some common dental problems that kids and parents face and address them head-on.
Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth can be a sign of tooth decay or other untreated teeth issues. One reason many consider us the best family dentist in Olathe, our team at Waters Davidson can diagnose your child’s reason for discomfort and develop a game plan to fix it. It could be as simple as changing out your child’s toothbrush or switching to a different toothpaste. Sometimes the dentist must apply a sealant to the teeth to fill in any grooves not being reached with the brush.
Bad Breath in Children
Most children with bad breath can solve this problem by brushing their teeth regularly. This problem is somewhat common in children as they struggle to take care to brush every tooth surface, tongue, and gums to ensure everything in the mouth has been scrubbed. It’s also important to use an antibacterial mouthwash to hit the surfaces a toothbrush cannot. Although most problems with bad breath are solved through taking these actions, some problems cannot be solved despite your best efforts, so it is best to consult the best dentist in Olathe if problems persist.
Floss like a boss! Listen to a family dentist in Olathe, we know teeth!
Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers
All these behaviors help a baby self-soothe but can be hard on developing teeth and gums. Cutting these habits as soon as possible will be beneficial for the long-term dental health of a child. Pediatric dentists hear this concern all the time and have great ways to help children break the habit. Consult an experienced dentist in Olathe such as Waters Davidson, for ideas.
Tooth Decay & Cavities
Tooth decay seems to be one of the more common problems in family dentistry. Children and adults alike should be brushing at least twice a day to ensure that food particles do not get lodged and plaque does not begin to build up.

Teeth Grinding
It is pretty standard for kids to grind their teeth to cope with the pain of their baby teeth’ emerging for the first time. Most children will stop doing this on their own after the teeth grow in, but this habit can result in eroding enamel. To prevent this from occurring, your dentist may advise your child to wear a nightguard. Your child can be fitted for one with the best Olathe sleep dentist.
Tongue Thrusting
As babies transition from breast/bottle feeding to eating solids or food purees, they naturally change how their mouth and tongue works to feed and swallow. However, we occasionally see patients that continue to thrust the tongue forward as they grow. This can ultimately lead to improper tooth growth and interfere with speech development.
“Trips to the dentist – I like to postpone that kind of thing.” -Johnny Depp
Johnny has never been to the best Olathe dentist or he would want to come all the time!
Canker Sores
Canker sores usually cause pain between 10-14 days and can be very painful for your child to experience. When suffering from a painful canker sore, it’s important to brush normally but avoid acid drinks or foods so that the issue is not agitated.
Families with children are known to play rough, fall on the playground, or trip on the sidewalk. All these things can be the culprit of a dental emergency. Children often crack or break a tooth at least some point during their childhood, causing pain or soreness. As an experienced family dentist in Olathe, we are prepared for every dental emergency. Just give our Olathe dentist office a call if you find yourself experiencing an unexpected event.
A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health in our Olathe dental office.
We also offer cosmetic dentistry is any service designed to improve the appearance of the teeth, gums and/or bite. Cosmetic dentistry has the ability to correct anything from crooked teeth, to even minimizing a “gummy” smile, a caring dentist in Olathe is here to help you.
Additionally, Do you Snore? Do you grind your teeth? Do you wake up with a sore jaw or a headache? These can be signs of SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING or Sleep Apnea! If you’re looking for an evaluation or need an alternative to CPAP and want more information about an oral appliance, call our office for an appointment with a sleep dentist in Olathe. See why our patients never want to go anywhere else!
Call Waters Davidson at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!