An Experienced Family Dentist in Olathe Provides 5 Pieces of Advice for Cavity Prevention

Family Dentist in Olathe

An Experienced Family Dentist in Olathe Provides 5 Pieces of Advice for Cavity Prevention — No one likes visiting the Olathe dentist office if they have a cavity. In fact, lots of people fear the dentist because of that very thing. The best way to avoid cavities is prevention.

The best family dentist in Olathe, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, has seen how critical it is to teach children good dental hygiene. Instilling a daily routine of brushing at least twice and flossing at least once will lay the groundwork to keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy throughout their lives.

One of the main reasons best family dentist in Olathe emphasizes daily brushing is to avoid cavities.  This article will highlight some other tips that will help keep those pesky cavities away.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Avoid Sharing Food and Beverages

We are taught to share our toys at a young age, but that does not mean we should share everything.  Teach your child not to drink or eat anything that previously touched someone else’s mouth.  Bacteria can travel from person to person, which can end up damaging teeth.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Always Come to Routine Dental Visits

Shoal Creek recommends a visit to our Olathe dentist office every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. We recommend children start coming to the dentist as soon as their first tooth is visible.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Increase Fruits and Vegetables

According to a family dentist in Olathe, foods with excess water can help keep your child’s mouth hydrated and assist in producing extra saliva.  Whenever the mouth stays hydrated, it aids in keeping bacteria from sticking to your child’s teeth.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Avoid Artificial Sugars 

Beverages like soda and juice boxes are high in sugar and can negatively impact your health no matter your age.  Children’s teeth are not immune to sugar either, as too much sugar can lead to tooth decay and other dental issues.  Sticky foods that are hard to remove from teeth (taffy, caramel, honey, etc.) are also highly discouraged by our Olathe dentist office.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Says to Drink Lots of Water 

We discussed earlier the benefits of extra fruits and vegetables because of their high-water content.  So, drinking a bottle of water can provide the same benefits at an even higher level.  As a premier Olathe dentist office, Waters Davidson Family Dentistry emphasizes drinking plenty of water as it can wash away bacteria, prevent acid build-up, and provide many other health benefits outside of your child’s oral health.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Explains 5 Aspects of Tooth Loss 

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Explains 5 Aspects of Tooth Loss –As a leading family dentist in Olathe, our staff at Waters Davidson understands that children sometimes struggle with the process of losing their teeth. Although it’s a normal part of childhood, the experience of tooth loss can be somewhat intimidating for your child. To help ease their concerns and make the experience less worrisome, we’ve put together a detailed list of things you can discuss with your son or daughter.

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A Family Dentist in Olathe Answers, “At what age should children be losing their teeth?”

According to an experienced family dentist in Olathe, children typically start losing their first tooth around the age of six. This exciting milestone often marks the beginning of their permanent teeth journey. The process usually concludes around age twelve, when they are likely to lose their final baby tooth, transitioning into a full set of adult teeth.

A Family Dentist in Olathe Answers, “Why do teeth get loose?”

The process of teeth becoming loose is a natural one. Bone cells beneath baby teeth gradually break down to create space for new permanent teeth. However, if you suspect that a tooth has become loose due to an external factor, such as a fall or bump, it is important to consult a dentist office in Olathe. A professional examination ensures that no additional damage has occurred and provides peace of mind.

A Family Dentist in Olathe Says, “Let the tooth run its course…”

When a tooth initially becomes loose, the urge to remove it can be strong. As specialist at the dentist’s office in Olathe, Waters Davidson advises allowing the tooth to fall out naturally. This approach ensures minimal discomfort and allows the process to take its natural course. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, but encouraging your child to gently wiggle the tooth with their tongue will help it become looser over time until it finally detaches on its own.

A Family Dentist in Olathe Says, “Continue to brush and floss, even after the tooth is removed.”


Even though it might feel strange, maintaining oral hygiene is crucial after a tooth is lost. Remind your child to continue brushing and flossing the area where the tooth was removed. The area will be more sensitive than they are accustomed to, so encourage them to brush gently. Keeping up with these habits helps ensure that the gums remain healthy, paving the way for their new permanent teeth.

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Family Dentist in Olathe Says, “Use ice if needed.”

If your child feels pain or discomfort near the empty tooth socket, the dentist office in Olathe recommends using ice to dull or numb the pain.  Over-the-counter medication such as children’s Tylenol may be used as well.


Contact Waters Davidson Family Dentistry for your children’s dental needs


Typically, a loose tooth will remove itself naturally within a few days.  However, if you are concerned about a loose tooth or any other dental issues for your child, you can come see us at our dentist office in Olathe.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

4 Reasons to See the Best Dentist in Olathe Before the New Year

Best Olathe Dentist

4 Reasons to See the Best Dentist in Olathe Before the New Year

Well, it is the most wonderful time of year, isn’t it? The perfect time to schedule those routine dental checkups before all those valuable insurance benefits run out! While it might be the busiest time for many of us, your Olathe dentist office is prepared and excited to welcome you for your next appointment. Be sure to call us before you head out and indulge in all those delicious holiday treats.

Here are some compelling reasons to enhance your holiday smile with the best dentist in Olathe this December.

#1 The Best Dentist in Olathe Delivers Bright Smiles and Fresh Breath

Are you preparing for those festive holiday gatherings? Whether it’s a business event or a cozy celebration at home, you want to look and feel your best. During your hygiene appointment, Waters Davidson will expertly remove any tartar or plaque buildup that has accumulated since your last visit.

We want you to smile with genuine confidence. This means leaving with cleaner, brighter, and whiter teeth, perfect for the holiday season. While you’re at our office, consider getting those teeth professionally whitened too! Or, perhaps purchase a gift certificate for someone special in your life to visit our Olathe dentist office for a teeth whitening session.

#2 The Best Dentist in Olathe Encourages You to Utilize Your Insurance Benefits

Did you know that most insurance plans allow for up to two cleanings each year? It’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss. If you decide to delay until the new year, you might miss out on your benefit coverage for this year. Make sure you take full advantage of what your plan offers, ensuring your oral health and hygiene remain top-notch.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Benefits typically reset on January 1st. Therefore, if you have any additional dental treatment that you need to complete, it’s advisable to schedule it within this year, particularly if you haven’t exhausted your yearly maximum. By doing so, you ensure you’re maximizing your dental benefits, avoiding unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses, and maintaining optimal oral health. This foresight helps prevent future complications and keeps your smile in great condition.

#3 The Best Dentist in Olathe Helps You Avoid Emergencies

The holiday season is often the busiest time of the year, filled with travel, festive activities, and gatherings with loved ones. Amidst all this excitement, the last thing you want is the worry of a dental emergency disrupting your plans. Before you head out of town, it’s wise to visit your dentist to minimize the risk of any dental issues arising while you’re away. A routine dental check-up can help identify potential problems, such as cavities or gum issues, that could escalate if left untreated. Pay a visit to the best dentist in Olathe to ensure your oral health is in top shape and to address any emerging dental concerns. Taking this precautionary step not only enhances your peace of mind but also lets you enjoy the holiday season worry-free.

#4 Early New Year’s Resolution

Looking to get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions? It’s an excellent opportunity to focus on your oral health goals, ensuring a bright and healthy smile for the year ahead. The best way to achieve this is by maintaining a consistent routine of flossing and brushing. Make it a point to floss at least 3-4 times a week to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice daily is equally important to keep your teeth and gums clean and free of harmful bacteria. Additionally, consider coming in for a new toothbrush, ideally one recommended by your dentist, and a comprehensive dental evaluation. This proactive approach will set you off on the right foot for the holiday season and beyond, ensuring your oral hygiene is at its best as you step into the new year. By prioritizing these simple yet effective practices, you are investing in your long-term dental health and well-being.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service in Olathe.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

How the Best Dentist in Olathe Can Make Brushing Fun for Your Kids This Holiday Season

Best Dentist in Olathe

How the Best Dentist in Olathe Can Make Brushing Fun for Your Kids This Holiday Season

Getting kids excited about brushing their teeth this holiday season can be a fun and engaging endeavor by trying something new. When you first integrate brushing into your child’s daily routine, it’s crucial to steer clear of making it feel like a chore they “have to do.” Waters Davidson is regarded by many as the best dentist in Olathe, and we offer a few creative strategies to make brushing an enjoyable experience for both you and your child.

  • Develop a Fun Routine: Create a routine that your child looks forward to. Consider incorporating a playful aspect, like letting them choose their own toothbrush or toothpaste with fun flavors. This gives them a sense of ownership and excitement about the task.
  • Add Holiday Music to Brushing: Introduce some festive holiday tunes during brushing time. Playing fun and upbeat music can help set the tone and make the two-minute brushing session fly by.
  • Encourage Them to Use Their Imagination: Let their imaginations run wild as they brush. Perhaps they can pretend they’re brushing the teeth of their favorite superhero or character, turning the mundane task into a mini-adventure.
  • Adjust to What Isn’t Working: If something isn’t resonating with your child, be open to adapting your approach. Every child is different, and finding what motivates them can make all the difference.

The Best Dentist in Olathe** Recommends Routines**

It is vital that your child understands that brushing their teeth is an integral part of keeping themselves healthy, and it should be seamlessly woven into their daily activities. Emphasize that before they embark on a fun activity like enjoying breakfast or playing with toys, starting the day with brushing is essential.

Moreover, let them know that together you can share a holiday story at bedtime, but only after they finish brushing. This provides them with a little extra motivation to maintain their brushing habit consistently every morning and night, reinforcing the importance of oral hygiene.

Best Dentist in Olathe

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Holiday Music

For most children, a Christmas song can make just about anything a little better, even the mundane task of brushing their teeth. Incorporating holiday music into their dental routine can make it more enjoyable and engaging. Try to find a song that has a catchy tune and cheerful lyrics, which you can sing to them or play on your phone while they brush.

If your child tends to rush through brushing, consider ensuring that the song plays for a full two minutes, which is the recommended duration for brushing. Let your child know they need to brush for the entire length of the song. Alternatively, you can divide the music into one-minute segments so that they spend one minute focusing on the top teeth and one minute on the bottom. This not only makes brushing fun but also helps instill good dental habits.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Using Your Imagination

Once the brushing session is complete, you can encourage your child to engage their imagination by “pretending” to brush their new stuffed animals’ or dolls’ teeth they received for Christmas. This playful activity reinforces the importance of oral hygiene in a fun and relatable way. Consider getting them a toy toothbrush or just an extra real one after visiting the Olathe dentist office, and take the opportunity to teach them about dental health.

Make it interactive by saying things like, “make sure your baby doll’s teeth are clean just like yours!” This reinforces the practice without making it feel like a chore. Remember to leave out the toothpaste during pretend brushing to avoid creating a mess while still fostering creativity and fun.

The Best Dentist in Olathe Recommends Adjusting Things

If brushing is met with resistance or disinterest from your child, it might be time to reconsider your approach. Start by evaluating the little details that could be affecting their brushing experience. For example, the temperature of the water might be too cold, making the experience unpleasant, so try using warm water instead. The flavor of the toothpaste might not be to their liking, so experiment with different flavors such as bubblegum or strawberry until you find one they enjoy.

The bristles of the toothbrush might be too harsh for your child’s gums, so consider switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush to provide more comfort. Alternatively, electric toothbrushes can be soothing and fun for some children due to their buzzing sensation and colorful designs, which might encourage them to brush more willingly. Keep trying different strategies and products to discover what works best for your child. You can also visit an Olathe dentist office to get personalized advice and more creative ideas tailored to your child’s needs.

A smile is one of the most memorable features about a person. By receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis, you can maintain an optimal smile and manage your overall health effectively. Investing in these routine appointments not only ensures dental well-being but also contributes to a confident and radiant smile that lasts a lifetime.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service in Olathe.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

5 Great Ways to Teach Kids About Dental Hygiene; Advice from a Family Dentist in Olathe

Family Dentist in Olathe

5 Ways to Teach Kids About Dental Hygiene; Advice from a Family Dentist in Olathe

Teaching your children about the dentist and dental hygiene is crucial from an early age. Maintaining a positive attitude during these formative years can make a significant difference. According to a family dentist in Olathe, dental hygiene is a vital component of your child’s overall health. Tooth decay is a widespread condition affecting a large portion of the population, yet it is highly preventable, especially in children and families.

As parents or caregivers, teaching proper hygiene habits, including oral care, is imperative. This includes regular visits to the Olathe dentist office for routine check-ups. These visits not only help maintain dental health but also familiarize children with the dental care environment, reducing anxiety over time.

Family Dentist in Olathe Essential Tips

Here are a few essential tips from an experienced family dentist in Olathe to guide you in teaching your children about their teeth and how to care for them effectively.

#1 Make sure your child has the right tools. Take the time to visit the store together, allowing your child to choose a toothbrush that excites them. Whether it’s their favorite color or features a beloved character, a toothbrush they like will encourage them to use it regularly and with enthusiasm.

#2 Next, ensure they have the right toothpaste flavor. Just like adults, children have specific flavor preferences. Fortunately, there is now a wide variety of toothpaste flavors available, such as mint, bubble gum, cinnamon, and many more. Selecting a flavor they enjoy will make brushing a more pleasant experience and less of a chore.

#3 Get yourself a little timer that you can set for two minutes. This is the recommended brushing time for both adults and children. Interestingly, many people, including adults, do not brush for the full two minutes that the American Dental Association recommends. Using a timer can help ensure that brushing time is sufficient to thoroughly clean the teeth and maintain good oral hygiene.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can instill good dental habits in your children that will benefit them for a lifetime.

Family Dentist in Olathe

#4 Create a sticker chart or a reward system for brushing regularly. It’s helpful for kids, when learning new habits, to have a system in which they can keep track of their brushing. The reward should not be candy or sweet treat related but rather fun activity, picking the restaurant for dinner or maybe a fun toy.

#5 Prepare your kids by providing fun videos or books that talk about tooth brushing and dental hygiene. Check with your local library or ask a family dentist in Olathe for materials. Don’t simply say sugar is bad but explain to them through learning materials why sugar is bad and what happens to the tooth when you eat sugar. YouTube is an excellent resource for learning videos for kids, with supervision, of course.

  • Schedule a regular routine checkup with the Olathe dentist office today to prevent any cavities from forming. When you are seeing a family dentist in Olathe regularly, they can check the progression of growth of the jaw and teeth to make sure everything is developing on track, and they can prevent tiny cavities from growing into major problems.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Keeping Your Kids Teeth Health During the Holidays: 4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Olathe Family Dentist

Keeping Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy During the Holidays: 4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Do things get a little crazy at your house during the holidays? Does your routine look less like a routine and more like a chaotic family mess? With the festive season upon us, the kids are out of school, staying up late, sleeping in, and often veering off their usual routine. This inconsistency can lead to kids becoming a bit too relaxed when it comes to brushing and taking care of their teeth, which is crucial for maintaining dental health.

The holidays always bring a huge influx of sweet treats, baking, and rich foods—indulgences that can be delightful but potentially harmful to your little ones’ teeth. An experienced Olathe family dentist at Waters Davidson can help you keep on track with maintaining a consistent dental routine despite the holiday hustle and bustle.

4 Tips from an Olathe Family Dentist

Here are a few pointers from a knowledgeable Olathe family dentist to keep in mind this holiday season to ensure your children’s teeth stay strong and healthy:

  1. “Don’t Forget Your Child’s Regular Checkups”

With the kids out of school, this is an ideal time to check in with your dentist in Olathe to assess how their teeth are doing. Regular checkups are important as they allow for the removal of plaque and the early detection of cavities, preventing them from becoming a bigger issue. Starting your holiday season with clean and healthy teeth can make all the difference.

During your visit, take the opportunity to ask an Olathe family dentist any questions you might have about your child’s tooth and jaw development. Common concerns such as nighttime teeth grinding, thumb sucking, and cavities among small children can be addressed, providing peace of mind for parents.

  1. Your Olathe Family Dentist Says, “Ration Your Sweet Treats!”

Candy, cookies, and sweet treats are synonymous with the holiday, and avoiding them completely is nearly impossible. As a top Olathe family dentist, our team at Waters Davidson understands this, and we know there are ways to enjoy these treats without major repercussions.

One of the best strategies is to offer a wide variety of healthy snacks as alternatives, so your child doesn’t reach for sugary treats every time. When offering a snack, encourage them to brush their teeth afterward or at least have some water nearby to help rinse away any sugars clinging to their teeth. This practice can significantly reduce the risk of cavity formation and maintain their oral health through the holiday season.

Remember, a little vigilance goes a long way in keeping those smiles bright and healthy!

Olathe Family Dentist

3. “Avoid Keeping Sweet Snacks Out on The Counter!”

Keeping sweet treats on the counter gives more opportunities for your kids to grab the wrong foods. Instead, over the holiday break, set out some healthier options on the counter to snack on. Put the sweet snacks away as a treat for later, and make sure they are not easily available for consumption.

4. “Keep Up with Your Regular Brushing and Flossing Routine!”

This isn’t easy to do when most families are off their regular schedule. However, this is the most important time to keep it up, especially knowing the kinds of foods and snacks people are eating during this time. Make sure your children are brushing two to three times a day and specifically after a sweet snack or piece of candy.

Your Olathe family dentist suggests that kids drink lots of water to try to wash off the sugars in-between their teeth. This prevents future problems, like loss of enamel.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

5 Ways To Prevent Nasty Cavities with The Help of a Family Dentist in Olathe

Family Dentist in Olathe

5 Ways To Prevent Cavities with The Help of a Family Dentist in Olathe


Cavities have become a somewhat normal occurrence in family dentistry, but they don’t have to be. Cavities can be avoided with proper hygiene, preventative care, and regular checkups with a family dentist in Olathe. As a highly experienced dentist in Olathe, our staff at Waters Davidson wants to partner with you to provide the proper education and care. This will give your family the best chance at good dental hygiene starting with a healthy smile and teeth. Here are a few tips that can help prevent cavities.

Consider Sealants

Sealants are growing in popularity among parents and the best dentists in Olathe. This is because they not only protect your child’s teeth, but they do an excellent job of preventing cavities. Teeth often have many ridges and small spaces for food and bacteria to hide. Foods with high acidity, sugar, and other harmful substances get into these small areas, which can be hard to remove.

Even with kids that brush regularly, it’s hard to reach some of these spots. Over time, cavities can form and spread. Sealants put a protective coating on the tooth’s surface, covering these tiny spots, which will prevent food from sitting on the tooth and starting the decay process.

Get Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a teeth strengthener. This means that it makes your child’s teeth less susceptible to cavities and tooth decay. Studies have found that when used appropriately through the help of the best family dentist in Olathe. fluoride use can significantly reduce the number of cavities that your child develops.

“There are three proven rules for good teeth: brush after every meal; see your Olathe dentist twice a year; and mind your own business.” — Henry Boyd (okay we added the Olathe part…)

Family Dentist in Olathe

Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar is in nearly everything these days, including in your meals, spices, let alone soft drinks, sports drinks, and most snacks. Sugars are the main reason for tooth decay and cavities. Cutting back on your child’s sugar intake, brushing after a sugary treat, or rinsing with water, are all key to keeping their teeth healthy and strong according to some of the best family dentists in Olathe.

Increase Your Child’s Xylitol Intake

Xylitol is found naturally in some berries and fruits and is also widely used as a sugar alternative. It has enormous benefits for children’s tooth health and significantly reduces their development of cavities. Check with your family dentist in Olathe to see if Xylitol is suitable for your child.

Work hard. Play Hard. Mouth Guard.

Get one from the best Olathe sleep dentist.


Brushing your child’s teeth three times a day after meals or snacks is a good rule of thumb according to the best dentists in Olathe. This is because when sticky or chewy foods stick to the surface of the tooth, it causes the protective coating to break down and start to erode and decay the tooth.

Over time this can cause cavities that can be both painful and costly. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste not only removes the stuck-on food from the tooth, but the fluoride strengthens your child’s tooth. This is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we strive each day to be the best Olathe dentist possible. Getting regular dental care will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dental office in Olathe has been trusted by Olathe residents for years.

Using cutting edge technology and having a staff who cares about our patients has allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and customer service. We even have services associated with sleep disorders and are many of our satisfied customers consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. See why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website, or contact us online to get started today!

8 Common Family Dental Issues, According to a Dentist in Olathe

Dentist in Olathe

8 Common Family Dental Issues, According to a Dentist in Olathe

Often families aren’t aware that children’s teeth or “baby teeth” are just as important as adult teeth. Many parents simply can’t afford to take their children regularly for dental check-ups. Doctors Waters and Davidson want every child to have access to dental care, which is why we take all major insurance. Many families consider us the best family dentist in Olathe, as our dental professionals have addressed some common dental problems that kids and parents face and address them head-on.

Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be a sign of tooth decay or other untreated teeth issues. One reason many consider us the best family dentist in Olathe, our team at Waters Davidson can diagnose your child’s reason for discomfort and develop a game plan to fix it. It could be as simple as changing out your child’s toothbrush or switching to a different toothpaste. Sometimes the dentist must apply a sealant to the teeth to fill in any grooves not being reached with the brush.

Bad Breath in Children

Most children with bad breath can solve this problem by brushing their teeth regularly. This problem is somewhat common in children as they struggle to take care to brush every tooth surface, tongue, and gums to ensure everything in the mouth has been scrubbed. It’s also important to use an antibacterial mouthwash to hit the surfaces a toothbrush cannot. Although most problems with bad breath are solved through taking these actions, some problems cannot be solved despite your best efforts, so it is best to consult the best dentist in Olathe if problems persist.

Floss like a boss! Listen to a family dentist in Olathe, we know teeth!

Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers

All these behaviors help a baby self-soothe but can be hard on developing teeth and gums. Cutting these habits as soon as possible will be beneficial for the long-term dental health of a child. Pediatric dentists hear this concern all the time and have great ways to help children break the habit. Consult an experienced dentist in Olathe such as Waters Davidson, for ideas.

Tooth Decay & Cavities

Tooth decay seems to be one of the more common problems in family dentistry. Children and adults alike should be brushing at least twice a day to ensure that food particles do not get lodged and plaque does not begin to build up.

Dentist in Olathe

Teeth Grinding

It is pretty standard for kids to grind their teeth to cope with the pain of their baby teeth’ emerging for the first time. Most children will stop doing this on their own after the teeth grow in, but this habit can result in eroding enamel. To prevent this from occurring, your dentist may advise your child to wear a nightguard. Your child can be fitted for one with the best Olathe sleep dentist.


Tongue Thrusting

As babies transition from breast/bottle feeding to eating solids or food purees, they naturally change how their mouth and tongue works to feed and swallow. However, we occasionally see patients that continue to thrust the tongue forward as they grow. This can ultimately lead to improper tooth growth and interfere with speech development.


“Trips to the dentist – I like to postpone that kind of thing.”  -Johnny Depp

Johnny has never been to the best Olathe dentist or he would want to come all the time!


Canker Sores 

Canker sores usually cause pain between 10-14 days and can be very painful for your child to experience. When suffering from a painful canker sore, it’s important to brush normally but avoid acid drinks or foods so that the issue is not agitated.


Families with children are known to play rough, fall on the playground, or trip on the sidewalk. All these things can be the culprit of a dental emergency. Children often crack or break a tooth at least some point during their childhood, causing pain or soreness. As an experienced family dentist in Olathe, we are prepared for every dental emergency. Just give our Olathe dentist office a call if you find yourself experiencing an unexpected event.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health in our Olathe dental office.

We also offer cosmetic dentistry is any service designed to improve the appearance of the teeth, gums and/or bite. Cosmetic dentistry has the ability to correct anything from crooked teeth, to even minimizing a “gummy” smile, a caring dentist in Olathe is here to help you.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

Additionally, Do you Snore? Do you grind your teeth? Do you wake up with a sore jaw or a headache? These can be signs of SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING or Sleep Apnea! If you’re looking for an evaluation or need an alternative to CPAP and want more information about an oral appliance, call our office for an appointment with a sleep dentist in Olathe. See why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call Waters Davidson at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

Why is My Tooth Gray? Important Info from the Best Dentist in Olathe

Why is My Tooth Gray? Important Info from the Best Dentist in Olathe

What is a dead tooth, and does that mean I need a root canal? The best dentist in Olathe says most likely yes. When a tooth dies, it often means the nerve inside the tooth is no longer living, and this can be due to injury or decay. Your treatment will most likely be extraction or a root canal. A root canal involves cleaning out the dead tissue inside the tooth and sealing it to prevent infection. You do not want an infection in your mouth to spread to the airway, bloodstream, or brain, as this could lead to severe health issues. Infections in the mouth, though rare, can become very dangerous and result in serious consequences. The best family dentist in Olathe advises never to ignore a gray tooth, as it could indicate a dying or dead tooth.

Why is my tooth discolored?

When someone has a discolored tooth, you should be more than concerned; you should immediately call the best dentist in Olathe. A discolored tooth could indicate a dental issue that needs treatment, even if it is not causing any pain. Color changes in teeth are pretty standard and are not always serious, so it is good to make sure if this is a relatively new change. For instance, staining from certain foods or drinks, like coffee or red wine, can cause discoloration over time. Ask yourself if the change is affecting all your teeth or just one?


When all the teeth have gone gray in color, it is unlikely that all of them have gone bad simultaneously. You could be suffering from external staining or the natural aging process, which can affect tooth color. However, if it is one tooth that is of particular concern, and if that tooth looks much grayer than the adjacent teeth, then you should suspect an underlying issue and promptly see the best family dentist in Olathe so they can evaluate the tooth. A thorough examination can help determine if there is a need for intervention to prevent further complications.

Best Dentist in Olathe

 Is my gray tooth an emergency?

If discoloration is your only symptom, do not worry about hurrying to see the best dentist in Olathe. However, if you have to swell in the gums around the gray tooth, pus drainage at all, or pain when you chew, call Waters Davidson Family Dentistry because your problem may require urgent care.

Swelling indicates an active spreading possible infection progression to your jawbone. The best family dentist in Olathe wants you to pay close attention to this if it is someone that is younger than 12 years old. These symptoms can turn acute reasonably quickly when you least expect it.

FAQ: Grey Tooth Pain and Discoloration

Q: What does it mean if my tooth is turning grey and hurts? A: If you notice your tooth turning grey and experience pain, it could indicate various underlying issues such as infection, trauma, decay, or even nerve damage. It is crucial to seek dental attention promptly.


Q: Does a grey tooth always mean there is pain associated with it? A: Not necessarily. While a grey tooth can sometimes be accompanied by pain, there are cases where a grey tooth may not cause discomfort. Regardless, it’s important to have any changes in tooth color evaluated by a dental professional.


Q: How is grey tooth pain treated at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry? A: At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we offer comprehensive evaluations to determine the cause of grey tooth pain. Treatment options may include root canal therapy, restoration procedures, or other interventions based on the specific diagnosis.


Q: Can a grey tooth be a sign of a more serious dental issue? A: Yes, a grey tooth can signify significant dental problems that require attention. It’s essential to address any changes in tooth color promptly to prevent further complications and maintain oral health.


Q: What should I do if I have a grey tooth that hurts or shows signs of discoloration? A: If you have a grey tooth that hurts, is discolored, or shows any concerning changes, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our experienced team at Waters Davidson Family Dentistry for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment. Early intervention can help preserve the health and function of your teeth.

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Talks Healthy Teeth in 2022

A Leading Family Dentist in Olathe Talks Healthy Teeth in 2022


Baby teeth are just as important as adult teeth, so it’s crucial that parents keep their children’s teeth clean and healthy. Unfortunately, there is a common assumption that since baby teeth fall out, good dental habits as a kid aren’t necessary. However, the best family dentist in Olathe can tell you that is far from the truth. Healthy adult teeth start with healthy baby teeth! Here are four easy ways to keep children’s teeth healthy, according to the best dentist in Olathe.

Visit an Olathe Dentist Office

It’s relatively unknown among parents as to when they should take their child to see their family dentist in Olathe for the first time. It is recommended that a child have their first dental appointment within six months of their first tooth growing in, or by their first birthday. The earliest a child can see the best family dentist in Olathe, the earlier good dental habits can begin.

Best Dentist in Olathe

Family Dentist in Olathe Suggests Starting Good Oral Habits Early

Establishing good oral habits at home from a young age is crucial for maintaining children’s dental health, complementing early visits to the dentist. Family influences are key, as children often mimic the behaviors they observe. This includes creating a daily routine of brushing teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash once teeth have fully developed. Consistency in these practices helps prevent oral health issues and instills lifelong habits that protect against tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental Sealants

Children often take time to develop effective teeth brushing skills, and even the most skilled child may miss those tricky spots without supervision. This can leave your child vulnerable to tooth decay. Dental sealants offer an additional layer of protection. A dental sealant is a thin, protective coating made of plastic resin applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where decay occurs most often. It acts as a barrier, making it harder for plaque to settle in grooves and depressions. To explore how sealants can benefit your child, contact the best dentist in Olathe for more information.

Limit Sugary Foods

Sugar and carbohydrates are well-known contributors to cavities, making it essential for parents to monitor and limit their child’s sugar intake. While it’s natural for children and adolescents to enjoy sugary drinks and snacks, moderation is key. Educating them about the impact of sugar on their teeth and encouraging healthier choices can make a significant difference. By minimizing sugary consumption, discussing the importance of dental health, and promoting good oral hygiene practices, parents can help their children maintain strong and healthy teeth.

If you’re searching for the best family dentist in Olathe to cater to your whole family’s dental needs, look no further. We have worked diligently to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for patients of all ages. Our friendly staff is dedicated to making you feel comfortable and secure during visits. We even provide sedation dentistry options, making us one of the leading Olathe sleep dentists. Reach out today to discover how we can take care of your family’s dental health!

A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

Teeth Cleaning in Olathe

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!