A Family Dentist in Olathe: 4 Ways to Stop Terrible Dental Stress

Family Dentist in Olathe

A Family Dentist in Olathe: 4 Ways to Stop Dental Stress

The best dentists in Olathe know that stress affects everyone, especially when they are coming to the dentist. No one at this Olathe dentist office wants their patients to be nervous before a visit, but sometimes it can be challenging to keep someone calm.

Stress can affect the whole body, and children are no different than adults when it comes to the body feeling it. The mouth can take the brunt of stress as well in many ways. In this article, we will look at how stress can damage the health of your child’s mouth and ways that an Olathe family dentist can help.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Warns About Grinding Teeth

Teeth grinding is very common in adults and children. You will notice grinding, mainly when your child is sleeping. There are some warning signs that you can look for to help you identify if your child is grinding, including:

  • Grinding sounds when they are sleeping
  • Pain when they are chewing
  • Jaw soreness after waking up; stiffness, pain, or even a bruised feeling
  • You might notice certain teeth appear to be worn down or chipped

If you notice your child grinding their teeth, talk to your Olathe family dentist right away because there are ways to protect your child’s teeth. They could try sleeping with a bite guard, or if your child is dealing with stress, a counselor might be able to help them cope with whatever is bothering them.

Family Dentist in Olathe


A Family Dentist in Olathe Recommends Dietary Changes

Believe it or not, dietary changes can make a big difference in the health of your child’s teeth. In times of stress it is common for people, including children, to gravitate toward sugary and fried foods. Foods that are high in sugar are awful for your teeth. If you notice your child eating more sugar than suggested, try setting out healthier snacks, like fruits and vegetables.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Knows That Brushing Time Decreases

When your child is stressed, it is common for brushing and flossing to get pushed to the back burner. Even for a short time, if your child doesn’t brush or floss, this can be enough to erode the protective coating of their teeth and create cavities.

If it is becoming a struggle to get your child to brush, make sure to visit your dentist office in Olathe right away. They can help inspire your child to stay on top of their brushing routine and add a protective coating to protect their teeth in the future.


A Family Dentist in Olathe Knows About Mouth Sores

Canker sores and cold sores are very common when times of stress arise. This is because stress causes the body and the immune system to not function properly. This can decrease the body’s ability to heal and fight off viruses that cause these sores. If you notice your child has sores in their mouth, which are usually painful, call your Olathe dentist office right away to find the right treatment plan.


A smile is one of the most memorable things about you. Receiving general dentistry services such as cleanings and X-rays on a bi-annual basis is one of the best ways to maintain an optimal smile, not to mention an important way to manage your health.

General Dentistry Practice in Olathe KS

At Waters Davidson Family Dentistry, we are a highly respected Olathe dentist office. We know that regular dental visits will help protect your smile and prevent disease so that you feel confident and healthy. Our dentist office in Olathe has been a source for quality dental care for years. Our cutting-edge technology and knowledgeable staff have allowed us to maintain the highest level of care and service.

We even have services associated with sleep disorders; in fact, we have many clients that consider us the best sleep dentist in Olathe. Come see why our patients never want to go anywhere else!

Call us at (913) 782-1330, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us online to get started today!